Hey there...
.......Mr. Fassett and his upcoming book Quilt Romance. I got to see this book in it's raw form....(mostly the pictures and not all the words) when I was at Quilt Market 2 months ago (was it really only 2 months ago? seems like a long...
Today's post (besides being very late forthcoming!) is all about vintage valentine type fabrics. I went through a pile of fabrics that I have that have a valentine theme, and most of them were fairly modern. But Kim over at True Up has been calling for vintage valentine themed...
And Sketchin's what I did...
Well the voting is now complete. I must admit, part of this project turned out great, but part of it was not how I envisioned it. I had hoped that more people would come and vote on these little gems of art, but it seems...
Okay!! the last entry left you hanging...
Like there will ever be enough time, Dude! Anyway, I want to add this very hilarious link to a ...
I know that it is past Christmas, but I just found this terrific Jars of Clay video on YouTube, and I have to share it with you. I am in a rush this am because I have a class that I have to leave for in 13 minutes,...