178: In the library with….

178: In the library with….

…….Mr. Fassett and his upcoming book Quilt Romance.  I got to see this book in it’s raw form….(mostly the pictures and not all the words) when I was at Quilt Market 2 months ago (was it really only 2 months ago? seems like a long time ago already…

Anyway back to Kaffe Fassett’s newest book.  Here is the cover of the American version

quilt romance US version  and it is alright….But…..

 I actually liked the cover I saw on Kaffe’s copy at  Market, but he of course had the British cover. This is that cover:

Yummy, huh??!!     quilt romance uk version    I am trying to see if I can get this UK version instead. It will probably cost me more for shipping and the book even, and the insides will be the same but I REALLY liked the UK cover much better.  You see, this cover is more indicative of what the insides are like…lush and exquisite settings with simple but incredible quilts in luscious fabrics…..yeah, I just love Kaffe’s books…

And speaking of books….one of my quilts made the cover of another book, this time in front and center.  The book is Oh My Stars and should be out sometime this late summer I am thinking. Marci asked me to interpret her idea in quilt form for her book and the center quilt in this photo is what I came up with.  oh my stars book cover It was quite involved and took a lot of time, but Marci and crew really liked it, and I was happy to have helped them out, and equally happy to have it on the cover!

Okay and remember my first quilt for Free Spirit? Well I just saw that it was in France recently. 

                                                                   good folk flowers in france

I knew it had been to Germany (was in a German magazine ad too, I was told, but I haven’t yet seen that ad; still hoping to though), but I saw my quilt in slide #14 of this slideshow.  Pretty cool I thought..I should have embedded a camcorder in that quilt so I could see the world with it! 

And this next piece is just so cool I had to share it with you. I discovered it on DudeCraft, and got the embedding code from there. I was so excited that I figured out how to embed a YouTube video….with a little computer help from my web guru Richard.

    Now tell me …wasn’t that cool?!?!?!

Okay….now a Blue Nickel Post wouldn’t be complete without some completely random shots of something do with color, design, art….or just life in general…so here are a few of the backlogged photos.  

This is closeup of garage sale pix in previous post…garage sale drawing 

This is really old from the spring…love these little grape hyacinths  grape hyacinth 

My friend Jona sent me this order from her store Fabritopia…..and all the little snippets on the right? they were thrown in for free!!  I cannot tell you how much that little extra touch totally made me want to shop with Jona again!  Thanks Jona…(oh, and that is “john-na, not “joan-ah” everyone!….don’t even try her last name!!  🙂 )snipsnip order

Oh, and some Sis Boom Laundry…at least I think it is all Sis Boom…if not it must be Free Spirit!

sisboom laundry sisboom2 sisboom3 sisboom4 sisboom 5   I haven’t yet cut into this batch…I really need to…I just love it SEWmuch!!  🙂  

Well that’s it for today…this post took quite a time to get up….I want to sew and PAINT the rest of the day…I love and hate computers…and right now, I am really getting tired of  being so “plugged in”  I think I am becoming addicted….but that is another story altogether.


  • A thought about purchasing a british kaffe copy – try amazon.ca. Often the british version of books are the editions sold in Canada. I know that this was the case with the Harry Potter books (and they too had much “nicer” – imho – covers). Good luck.

    Thanks Annette! Great Idea!

    July 21, 2009 at 8:01 am
  • Hi there!
    I stumbled upon your blog while visiting the blog of my old high school friend, Rich Brimer. I’m not a quilter but my sister is- wow, is she gonna love this place! I look forward to attaining ‘coolest sister’ status when I glean your blog for Christmas gift ideas.. ;o)

    July 25, 2009 at 7:16 pm
  • Scott,
    I’m so glad you love all those little samples (you’re so easy to please)! All those J Pag fabrics hanging on the line look heavenly!!

    Jona, I LOVE them..those little touches are so nice…very few businesses give ANYthing away, and yes little pieces are still useful to someone like me! I also agree about Jen’s fabrics….I don’t think I would ever have enough of Sis Boom!

    July 27, 2009 at 2:16 pm

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