144: Vintage Valentine-y Fabrics

144: Vintage Valentine-y Fabrics

Today’s post (besides being very late forthcoming!) is all about vintage valentine type fabrics.  I went through a pile of fabrics that I have that have a valentine theme, and most of them were fairly modern.  But Kim over at True Up has been calling for vintage valentine themed prints of the True Up Flickr Group, and I really wanted to get these in the pool, so I am posting them now.   

    Pink floral Geometric

 Blue Striped Strawberries

 pink strawberries resting on the red seersucker print.  I only have two of these little diamonds, and I just love these strawberries they are so sweet….Now strawberries aren’t exactly Valentiney, but they are rather heart shaped, so I think they count!

 the MOST delicious red print in a tintilating seersucker (can I say that here?)  Really it is awesome to feel.  You can’t quite “see” the seersucker part in person even, but one touch and you know it is that coolness that cannot be described by mere words….

Oh and here is the “real” Valentine-y print…well it has hearts on it at least…


I think all of these would work very nicely together in a little wall quilt for February don’t you?  I am making Linda’s Valentine tonight and tomorrow I will show you after I give it to her.  I always make Linda a valentine.  Well, there have been a couple years that I ran out of time.  Maybe if I get a chance I will show you some of them here, what do you say?

I just finished up a big project for my friend Marci at Alicia’s Attic.  Here is a glimpse of what I have been working on for the last 3 weeks.

   I love this shot!     Here is more of a closeup (loose threads and all) This part of the project is made mostly of my friend Mark Lipinski’s Califon line which ended up being perfect for this project!  I believe the whole quilt is destined to be on the cover of Marci’s new book which should be at Spring Quilt Market if all goes well!

 Wow, it may not look like much, but that post took a lot of time to pull up…I have a couple more things to share and then to bed…

My next Free Spirit Quilt project is coming up so look for pictures of that process here, and I have a Blog-aview (like an interview, but blogified) with someone whom this song reminds me of everytime!  But all that has to wait a bit while I prepare for the Day of Love!  🙂

1 Comment

  • I LOVE the first two fabrics! Nice quilt. I look forward to seeing that book!

    February 17, 2009 at 1:05 am

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