198: And we have a winner! or two….with more to come…
Hey there peeps! Just dropping a very brief "news"brief...
Hey there peeps! Just dropping a very brief "news"brief...
Hey I am part of another blog tour, and I wish I could be more "with it" right now as I write, but I have been working extreme retail hours in Christmas prep work on top of my everyday work. 77 hours last week, so please bear with me...
Yep today is October 25th...
Well, you know I am now really frantically sewing to finish all these projects for Quilt Market next week, and so with my day job taking up most of my time, there hasn't been much time for reflection and blogging and making all the pictures...
Not mine, but some giveaways in other places. Just noticed a great giveaway and even though it truly lessens my chances to win, I thought I should share it with you. My new friend Nancy DeWeir Geaney is GIVING away a whole quilt! Seriously a WHOLE...
Unfortunately Sarah Vee who used that Yoda-speak above in her comment didn't win...
Okay people. Technical difficulties. No pictures...
You know you can find a ton of pictures from quilt Market on other blogs...
So this was supposed to be announced on April 1st as it was on Stitchin' Heaven, but we were experiencing "technical difficulties" over here at the Blue Nickel...
Now for the next "blog-a-view" and giveaway. This time it's me being interviewed over at Stitchin' Heaven by Nichole from the same SH fame. As I write this Nichole is working on getting the "blogaview" up, so there may be a gap in the time...