Full Moons and Modern Quilts
When Allie Heath at Kaufman asked if I wanted to play with their new line Kona Modern Quilts by Cynthia Frenette, I said sure. I wasn’t at all sure what I’d do with them, but I have been wanting to play with my solids and a few prints, and I thought they’d be fun mixed into that project somehow.
Since then, I have thought up a good idea for them before I play them into a quilt, but I am not sure if I’ll have time to do so before Market. Time will tell, if I get a chance, I will share with you. For now, I wanted you to see them and get your own ideas. For starters, I think they’d be very fun backs to quilts and you could do your quilting from the back side using these prints as a guide.
And I also wanted to show you these new shoes that I bought for Market. Not Fluevogs, and not the same as the Uber-classy Joel Dewberry would wear (dude rocks male fashion at Quilt Market, always is the best dressed dude there), but I think they are good enough. They fit my budget, are comfortable (note Dr.Scholl’s label in the tongue [feeling old here]), and will be somewhat slightly hip.
But the cool part is the sole of this shoe! Check it out!
Wolfman prints in the sand!! Perfect for Full Moon events and other occasions….like Quilt Market.
More later, but that’s it for now….I have got the usual 2,347 more things to do than I can reasonably get done in a day.
sheri howard
Looks like fun with someone else providing the fabric! Are you going to Spring Market? I hope to see you if you are. I am doing a book signing on Saturday 4:00 for my Pretty Petals book at United Notions if you care to stop by. Hope things are well at your place!
Paul Léger
i think i like those quilts, I think i like them a lot.
well, Paul, they are just yardage here…faux quilts as you will, but they are fun, huh?
Elizabeth Johnson
I really like those fabrics and can’t wait to see what you do with them. It is like the quilt is done already. Maybe backing like you said. Might make cute home decor? Have fun at market!
Judy Blinkenberg
They look great. I can see mixing, maybe adding a little red or yellow. I look forward to seeing what happens.
I love that fabric and can’t wait to get my hands on it. I like that it’s graphic, colorful and a bit mid-century. Hope those shoes worked out well for you.