172: dqs6…..means what?
dqs6 means doll quilt swap six and I forgot to post these pix of what I got in exchange for this that I sent:
front of what I sent to Emma in Australia back with quickie label on the quilt I sent….every quilt needs a label, and sometimes, those don’t always come out so good as is the case with this fine example! And here is the fabric I sent with the quilt: sort of a peace offering, because although I aimed high….it was still sent after the deadline.
And if you read this between 10pm PST 6/10/09 and 5AM 6/11/09 PST then below is what I posted that night without the above explanation. If this post seems disjointed to you well then you pretty much know how I am feeling inside. I am feeling stressed as summer is FAST approaching, and I have a ton of outside work that NEEDS to be done around here, as well as a bunch of studio stuff that I WANT to do and I am feeling my kids growing up faster than I can handle so I want to connect with them more too….same old balancing act, but I am feeling stressed about it at least last night and this morning, that is for sure!
doll quilt swap 6 received awhile back…I uh…forgot to post…actually I didn’t forget…it was just sitting on the SD card with a hundred zillion other pictures….like these three….
love the rustic label on this…
three pieces of Liberty fabric..never had this before…very interesting prints, with a fabric “hand” that is unfamiliar to me….looking forward to playing with them……someday..
thanks Kristen! I lost your email somehow …could be that cleaning desk factor thing!! Kristen I think washed it afterwards too, and so the quilt has a nice homey feeling!
Great quilts! (Sent and received).
I know what you mean about no time to post! Sometimes it feels like another monkey on my back. So I’ve decided not to stress about it too much. We should only spend our precious free time on things we enjoy, right? I do enjoy looking at your interesting photos, and reading your posts, so don’t stop writing all together!
Have a great day.