117: Brooding–an artist’s duty
This quote has been on most of my emails lately...
This quote has been on most of my emails lately...
This quote has been on most of my emails lately...
A life making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. -- George Bernard Shaw I get a daily email with some kinda famous quote, and this one was today's. It really makes me feel much better! I have definitely been feeling as...
drawing a blank for anything creative today. I did want to mention my walk yesterday morning. The moon was full and sinking in the west, and the last star of evening was sparkling over the Cascade foothills in the east. It was a cold but...
drawing a blank for anything creative today. I did want to mention my walk yesterday morning. The moon was full and sinking in the west, and the last star of evening was sparkling over the Cascade foothills in the east. It was a cold but...