Mistakes can be good? Yes, but Ducks are more fun to look at!
A life making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
— George Bernard Shaw
I get a daily email with some kinda famous quote, and this one was today’s. It really makes me feel much better! I have definitely been feeling as a late that I have made quite a few mistakes lately. But it could be because I am trying to do more than just nothing, so it could be okay. The more I think about it, the more I like this quote. It encourages me to not quit and keep pressing on. One mistake that I think was not a good one, but was one nonetheless was my swearing in my last post. I just don’t swear very well. It doesn’t sound “natural” from me. I often “think” in those terms, but I seldom “speak” in such a manner, and to me it just sounds odd coming out. That is probably a good thing, because I think swearing constantly is somewhat tiresome, yet I have some friends who do swear quite a bit. In fact, I know a guy in my company who wouldn’t say the “N” word (nigger) but has no problem saying the “F” word (fuck) on a consistent basis. I really find that rather ironic. Maybe it shows my age and how the words have changed with the times.
And what does this have to do with quilting and country life….where are the pictures? Well I am thinking a blog is like a public journal so you just got a bit of the journaling bit. Does anyone else out there ever think like this? But to satisfy the picture people out there (myself included) Here are some great pictures of the ducks in the flowers and yard. I missed them in the boxwood. Linda said that one of them was missing, and all the sudden his little head just popped out of the very dense boxwood bush, and it looked so comical….but these are pretty good shots too.
This afternoon I go to help set up for the Busy Bee Quilters Quilt Show. I will take pictures and post them soon. If anyone is around the area, our show is a pretty good one, and it is in a great setting at Craven Farms. I haven’t had much time to help set up before, and I am really looking forward to helping this year.