Watch It Wednesday this is not REALLY a music video even though it looks like one... this is not REALLY a music video even though it looks like one...
Hey there peeps, Welcome to this week's Watch It Wednesday...
Thanks for stopping by for Emily's Scrap Republic Book Tour! You didn't know you were coming to the Blue Nickel on a tour day?? Oh then it is your lucky day...
Welcome to the Blue Nickel today! I get the special treat today of sharing with you my friend, Jessica Levitt, and her book Modern Mix. I first met Jess online through her blog, and then we met in person at Quilt Market in Pittsburgh...
I hope you have been enjoying Quilt-Uberfest. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous if I could pull this off. But I have had the delight of working with about half of these wonderful people before, so I was hopeful. And my...
about 50-60 blocks have come in for the Bumble Beans Basic Quilt Project so far...
So when you are a male quilter, well, you kind of stand out in the crowd more than you would say...
I know you all want to know who won from my 300th post giveaway...
Less bloody than the movie...
Let's cut quick to the chase shall we?? we have winners from the last post...