301: Win, win..
I know you all want to know who won from my 300th post giveaway…but like all good things you have to wait a little…OR…you can just skip on through to the end if you are going to be that way.
I do have some exciting news about a new “job” I have. Okay, so it’s not a paid position…yet….and presently my job title is pretty silly, but without pay at least a new job should have some perks right?? To be honest, I am not sure exactly what my job duties are over at Generation Q yet, but I do feel even more the need to work out just to meet the job’s expectations. Okay enough with my clever body-image jokes and insecurities…we just made up the title cause I didn’t like Gopher…but I think that right now that might be the just of it.
Anyway that and a whole bunch of other stuff is going down here at the Blue Nickel….
I just got these three quilt directions linked here from Last fall’s Quilt Market , and I am working on four more sets of directions from the quilts I did for this Spring Quilt Market.
I am wrapping up directions for my next magazine submission for next February…yeah…that’s a long way out, but that’s how things roll. Besides all this is the book and another project that is still a mystery to me that I still don’t know a lot about, but it with an interesting duo of artists…..so you can just guess away at that one….
so without further ado, here are the winners!
Barbara Huston who wrote:
Congratulations on 300!! I get distracted from my projects about halfway thru. Its such a bummer! If I don’t have a deadline, it will just sit. So, deadlines are great for me!
Patti who wrote:
Hi, I have just found your blog and I am so excited to have found you! When I am working on a large project, I tend to work on small things like mug rugs & pouches so that I get a bit of a break from the BIG thing. It’s kinda like taking a pit stop when you go on a long road trip… it gives you just enough time away but you are still excited to get there!
Ana who wrote:
Congrats on the 300 posts! My biggest distraction on big projects is going fishing! We live on a fishing lake and the water calls out to us! My second biggest distraction is the outdoors, we live out in the country “the boonies” and I love my flower gardens, veggie gardens and berry plants!
Sunnybec who wrote:
Hello I have just found your blog. I haven’t been quilting long so keeping focused is really really hard, there are so many things I want to do! At first I started one quilt and finished it before starting something else. Not any more!! I see something I want to do and just can’t wait to start cutting. Thank you for a lovely giveaway. Linda
I so enjoyed reading all your comments, and was so glad that I am not the only one who gets unfocused from time to time or all the time… 🙂 ….thanks for all the tips! you all should write a book on it!! 🙂
So Barbara, Patti, Ana, and Linda (Sunnybec) please send me an email at bluenickel5 (at) earthlink (dot) net, and I will get your prizes out to you as soon as I can…I need more space in the studio, and I will take any and all I can get!
So come visit me at my new “office” at Generation Q and have a cup of Java from our virtual breakroom. Let us know what you think and keep coming back…we promise even more cool stuff there than here…(but don’t leave the Blue Nickel. ever. you hear?)
Mary on Lake Pulaski
Great quilts Scott – thanks for the link. Magazine stuff – congratulations to you and then to all the winners.
I can help you out of you still need to give away more to make room in your studio!
Oh, I’ll never leave the Blue Nickel.
Barbara Huston
YIPPEE!! Thank you for your generosity. BTW, I read from the top to the bottom of this blog entry. Then I had to re-read it again! Congratulations to all of the winners! Keep on quilting and blogging, Scott. I won’t leave the Blue Nickel. Ever. :o)
Congratulations Scott, on your new position with Generation Q, I hope everything works out well for you!
And congratulations Barbara, Patti, Ana, and Sunnybec!!
I need to catch up on what Generation Q is. I’m really excited for you on the book deal and can’t wait for it. Your patterns are always really cool. Congrats to the winners!