
156: Next!

Now for the next "blog-a-view" and giveaway.  This time it's me being interviewed over at Stitchin' Heaven by Nichole from the same SH fame.  As I write this Nichole is working on getting the "blogaview" up, so there may be a gap in the time when you can read the interview and this entry.  While Nichole and I were discussing how this would work, I suggested that we do a giveaway as that always seems to draw out you lurkers out there! :)  So we...

155: and the winners are…..

So we have our 4 winners in the first Blue Nickel Blog-a-view giveaway!  Jennifer and I each had our families pick numbers between 1 and 116.  Noel, my oldest is going to program me my own Blue Nickel Random Number Generator or BNRNG for short (anyone have a "name" for that?)   But BNRNG will have to be for the next time (which is coming soon BTW)   So our numbers are for Jennifer's Sis Boom 2 sets of 2 fab packs      of 2 fat quarters are:     #...

154: What goes around….

So last week when I was working on my "blog-a-view" with Jennifer Paganelli, I got asked to be in a blog-a-view of sorts by Stichin' Heaven in Quitman, Texas.  I have had quilts visit Houston, Texas at Quilt Market, but I have never been. There is a little story to how this came about, but I am tired and will tell more later.  The cool thing is this they and I are doing a giveaway concerning their "blog-a-view" of me...