Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew!…..oh, and WIN!!
Yup these next few weeks at the Blue Nickel are going to sort of be a Book Review fest! The last few posts have been about books and more are planned after this. Today’s post has a Special element! Yeah that “Giveaway Element” that everyone loves!!
Welcome to today’s stop on Angela Yosten‘s new book, Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew! Blog Tour. Hope you had a good flight into Seattle from Oz. Everyone in the Sewing Universe is always talking about how there are never enough “boy/guy/dude” quilts and projects, so Angela decided to whip up some pretty cool designs here that pretty much would work for any man or boy cave out there. And what I like most about these projects? Besides their strong graphic element? They are scrappy!! If you come to the Blue Nickel here often enough, you know how I love me some scrappy action. And even though I really don’t do the applique thing myself, I can see reworking some of these ideas into totally pieced projects.
When Angela invited me to be part of the blog tour, one of the ideas she gave us to help celebrate her book was to make our “own traffic sign” Well, my mind went one way very quickly:
I think I need to make this sign for outside my studio. Somewhat akin to “Falling Rocks” or “Slippery, Windy Roads Ahead” Red for danger as well as being my favorite color!
One of my favorite projects from Angela’s book is the Merging Traffic Pillow. Don’t know why. I just like it. So there. Maybe it is because that is kind of what I am like. I just merge on into people’s lives because I want to get to know them and be their friend. I like being in where the action is, so I just work my way in. That could be it…..or I could be just too metaphysical here.
There are a whole lot of other projects too that are just perfect for the Testoterone-Type People in your life. The rest of this cool blogger lineup that I am so honored to be hooked up with will share with you their takes on the book as well.
Here’s the rest of the itinerary:
Day 4 (Thursday, August 9): Natalia Bonner (Utah)
Day 8 (Monday, August 13): Rachel Griffith (Ohio)
Day 10 (Wednesday, August 15): Lissa Alexander (Texas)
Day 12 (Friday, August 17): ALL Giveaways end at midnight.
Day 15 (Monday, August 20): Winners will be announced on each blog.
Leave comments at every blog as you go…..your chances only increase as you do that. But be sure to leave an email address for the bloggers, okay? That is the only way that most of us can contact you to tell you won!!
So to win this great book, leave a comment telling me what sign you would make for yourself. It doesn’t have to relate to sewing or quilting, just something that describes you, your week, your life, your family or whatever. Something along those lines, okay? Winners in the USA will win a physical copy of the book and if the winner is from overseas you will be sent an eBook via email.
And REMEMBER, comments here are set up for me to approve them first, and there are going to be a few days where I cannot get into approve them for 24 hours or so. So don’t despair if your comment doesn’t show up right away. If it looks legit when I get to the approval page, it will get approved and your name will be in the drawing. Okay? So remember, if you don’t see your comment right away:
Mary Beth
What neat graphic ideas! I need a slow down and sew sign!
My sign would be “Stay Calm and Sew On”!! The book looks amazing!
Such a great boy quilt idea book! Love it!
Lauren aka Giddy99
My sign would be “QUIET, PLEASE!” It seems as though there are always too many conflicting noises about – just one noise would be fine. 🙂
how about Chocolate Zone Ahead!
A keep out sign for my sewing area lol.
I love that book! There are so many wonderful ideas that I could put to good use for my nephew. Anyway, I need a “Sewing Machine at Work” sign!
I think I’d love to make a stop-sign for me. The reason for that is simple: I should say “Stop!” more often – no matter if it’s due to too many overtime hours or yet another friend that asks for help but will never ever help me when I ask for help.
I guess that could be a good idea to make such a sign for myself…
But maybe there should be some words added… something like Stop! – unless you’re quilting right now… 😉
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book. My favorite is “STOP” as an octagon in red as have several little grandnieces that need to understand this word when their Aunt tells them!
This looks such a great book!
A suitable sign would read ‘Beware, quilter at work’
Lisa Marie
There is a lyric from an old Talking Heads song that I need to have on a sign. “Decide, decide, make up your mind” Sometimes I spend so much time pondering WHAT to make or WHICH fabrics to use that I end up getting mostly nothing done! Sometimes I need to just pick something and get going!
I love to ride my bike so I would make a “Bike Route” sign! thanks!
Warning! Quilt Store Ahead.
I’d probably do a sign that says “ssssshhhhh, mom is sleeping”…
My sign:Be Not Afraid Its a great mantra to live by!
Thanks for the chance to win these clever book! My favorite sign would be NO WHINING! 🙂
If I made a sign, it would say THINK, because I often forget to do that before I act. Thanks for offering the giveaway.
I think the one way sign is most representative of me. One way to go and the only way is up!
I already have a sign that reads “Keep Calm and Sew On”.
Since I live in a house with 6 males (5 sons and my husband,) my sign would be “Enter at your own risk!”
Elizabeth Johnson
I would love this book! I always say “It’s my way or the highway”. I might but it on the front door!
What a great book! My sign would be Hazards Ahead. It describes my week at the moment and would do so often.
My sign would read Keep Calm & Quilt On – I think it’s a lovely sentiment & it definitely applies to me. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this lovely book.
Just like the “men at work” signs, I would make a quilter at work sign for my sewing room. I too love the merging traffic pillow. That’s the picture that attracted me to the book.
Shelley C
Since I saw the first pictures of quilts from that book, the ‘One Way’ called out to me. Being a born again Christian, the orientation of that quilt and well, it is just so right!
Laura Tawney
I love the sign that says “stay calm and quilt on”!
I would love to win a copy of this book.
Jodi R
My Sign would be a play on the Keep Calm and Carry On signs
For the moments when Kids will be Kids and they do something that really could prevent you from being calm : )
I love the Speed Limit sign. Sometimes we could use a little slowing down in our house!
‘Children at Play’
I adore this book. Such a great idea. My sign for my life would be PATIENCE! Oy… when did I become such a grumpy puss? LOL Sometimes you gotta just take a moment a b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Maybe that should be my sign!
Ali M
I’d do a “Danger! Sewing Ahead!” sign for me, but I don’t know what I’d do for my husband. Thank you for the giveaway!
What a great looking book. My sign would be “Caution – woman at work”!!
Amanda W
My sign would say “Caution: Stray Stitches Ahead”. 🙂
When my small granddaughters visit, my sign would be Relax and Enjoy. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Angela’s book.
Gwen Windham
I think a sign that says— “STOP and smell the roses” would be nice! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!! 🙂
My sign would have to be “breaks for chocolate”!
Little learners ahead
Since I have two little kiddos that’s what my sign would read…or beware of the crazy! 🙂
Miss Nancy
My sign would read “Quilt Zone”. Thank you for this chance to win this fun book.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
Susan N.
Under Construction
The No Parking one is great!
I definitely need one that says, “Slow, Proceed With Caution.” Or maybe it should just say, “Pause.” Either would work. =)
Stephanie O
Navy Zone
I think mine would have to be “Slow Children at Play.” For lots of reasons. 🙂
With a new grandson approaching one year old, it would definitely be “Giggles ahead.” Thanks for the chance to win, and thanks to Angela Yosten for writing a book for boys!
Probably Think!
I would make the no parking pillow!
Angelique Bandy
My sign should say…
Caution, Cute but Clumsy
Things just seem to happen to me, not sure why.
Thank goodness my fingers seem to do ok so I can sew :0)
Windy road ahead probably best describes my life.
TX JennyWren
“Don’t forget to breathe.” would be a cute sign. Thanks for a chance to win this cute book.
Megan M.
So perfect for boys…and maybe a mom or two 🙂 I’d make a Cat Tumbleweed Crossing sign. No matter how much we brush these cats and vacuum, there are always tufts of fur blowing across the floor!
Elizabeth Johnson
A big yellow sign saying “Caution We Play”. Thank you for the chance to win.
My sign will say Free Fabric For Life.
Holly Wright
My sign would include a pile of books on a rock or a Cross with a laptop on top. We’re all pretty studious in my family, but it all has to be based on the sure foundation.
My sign would be I Break For Chocolate, Love the book always looking for boy things.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Diann Cornell
How about “Woman at Work”?
My sign would represent my household full of boys. Warning, Earplugs May Be Required 🙂
Marcia K
LOL that one that says Messy Piles Ahead could go on many doors in my house!! But at least they are piles! It isn’t my fault that I put too many books on that bookshelf and the shelf broke! Now the books are just in a pile.. LOL.
my sign would say “proceed with caution” cos you never know what I have been up to
Joan Rodriguez
After putting on 32 years of stress related pounds, I’ve lost 71 since Dec 2010 and still have more to lose. There are saboteurs/co-workers who still offer me doughnuts, birthday cake and chocolate candy. Having a “Please Don’t feed the Monkey” sign right outside my cubie might help. 🙂
My sign would be a street sign that said, “Sophie Junction.” in the last few years, I have moved around a lot, but, wherever I am, it’s at Sophie junction.
Right now my sign should be Hurry Up! (or I’ll be late for work)
kwiltnkats aka Sandi
I’d put my sewing logo on my pillow. It’s a cat behind a spool of thread. It would be a very loud scrappy pillow with the logo in silhouette.
Amy C
Mine would have to say “Stop Procrastinating.. at the next stop!!”. Looks like a great book- thanks for the giveaway!
Jill Froelich
This book was a great idea for quilts!
Gina S.
Beware Fabric Horder! Is my sign 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win
shannon j
My sign would be one of those yellow signs with children on a teeter-totter. Caution: Children at Play is a very fitting sign for me right now since I have 2 toddler boys underfoot! I would absolutely love this book. I would love to make some of these items for my 3 year old’s vintage truck/car/transportation themed room. Love it!
Sherri I
“Busy” would be my sign. Thanks for the chance to win.
“Love Wins!”
My sign would be “Children at Play.” though I like yours too LOL
My sign would say NO WHINING! Thanks for the chance to win this book!
Bea Gibson
My sign: Noise Welcome-Boys at Play
Having raised 4 boys I often felt like they were left out..the noisy, the running, the dirty little hands…But little boys are special too, maybe not the pink fluffy twirling girl, but the one who climbs in your lap and puts that dirty hand around your neck. Now I have 4 grandson’s and one great grandson who sometimes get lost behind the 7 granddaughters…but my lap is always ready to welcome these grungy guys and my heart still melts when they say I love you Gam.
Thanks for the opportunity! My sign would read: “Sew Now and Sleep Later”
This week it would have to be ‘Give me a break’ my children are exhausting me!
becky derry
procrastination and confusion hard at work.I relate to your sign well. Thank-you for the give away entry I enjoy your site and have been a fan for a bit now.
Erin Hutchinson
My mom has a sign that I covet that reads, “Because Nice Matters.” I want one!