Watch It Wednesday #2
Welcome to Watch It Wednesday #2!! glad so many of you liked the first Watch It Wednesday (should I call it WIW for short?) I should add that although I mentioned MTV and the 80’s as a base for my addiction affection for music videos…..all of the WIW videos are NOT from the 80’s….most are from more current times…I think they have only gotten better with time as our technology has improved.. Last week’s was new this year I think, and this one is from a few years back…
Today’s video is on my fav list for a couple reasons. First, it is by my Favorite Band of all time, Jars of Clay! One of them has even sent me a Tweet…here’s how that happened….I was on Twitter…chatting away….and all of the sudden I see that my friend Alexia is tweeting to Steve from Jars about the great cake they shared that night! She’s good friends with the Lead Guitarist, Steve Mason (he’s the one in the darker blue shirt) from the group…
Anyway….my favorite part of this whole video really is right at the beginning… carefully at 0:52 and you will see what still wows me…..I know simple pleasures for the simple minded…I know, I know….
so Enjoy some Good Monsters…..
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and come on back next week….Something totally different…..cause that’s just how I roll…
Karen Lieberman
Very Cool video. I like the band…I’ll have to check out more of they’re music. One of my favorite bands in “They Might Be Giants”. I’ll be seeing them live on the 17th. (I’ve been going to their shows for 22 years!) LOL My kids are big fans too. What more can you do for your fav band than raise a couple more fans for them! LOL!