221: The Spirit of Easter past….like 2 weeks ago past…
just quick pictures...
just quick pictures...
Okay so the Easter decorations are still out, and there are apple blossoms on the trees up front, but I am working on this: Okay so does anyone else find this selvedge snippet funny?? I think I must frame this somewhere it makes me laugh so much...
So, I am really, really late at posting about the latest Doll Quilt Swap 8 I like these swaps because they are total "playtime" for me, and if I want to do some experimenting, they are fun to share...
Last weekend, it was just so pretty out, so I grabbed these flowers to share with you. I love Spring and the hopeful, cheerful message it brings that Winters don't last forever, and more beautiful days are ahead. ...
Okay, so tonight, I am just feeling "brooding"...
Thought I would start off with a pile of fabric to entice you into reading this post...
not much time to post today, but wanted to let you see this quilt too. It actually hasn't come home to me from Fons and Porter yet but I wanted to show you anyway...
Okay Peeps, for starters...
What's that? It already did begin? Don't I have 2 more weeks?...
especially when that friend is the queen of Sis Boom herself...