161:Happy Easter! (or a bunch of flowers and one rooster)
In case you were wondering...
In case you were wondering...
So yesterday was 2 sunny days in a row AND Father's day...
Went out in the gardens with the camera last night to take pictures of some of the flowers we have here around Shiloah Cottage before they stop blooming and are gone. I already missed the lilacs, but here are some of my favorites. This one...
It was a lovely Spring weekend this weekend in NW Washington state. So much for global warming!! April 19th, 20th, and 21st we woke with snow on the ground. I do not think I have ever seen so much snow this...
The coop and pen is finally rebuilt and ready for the chicks. They were seriously getting crowded out of their little cage as seen below. The chicks on April 2nd. Here they are on April 9th and again on April 15th. Quickly running out of room, and didn't...
YEAH!!!! The chicks are in!!! Linda went to the feed store today and brought these darlings home!! There are 8 of them, and NOW I really need to get working on the coop from last year's demise. The winter storms have knocked down...
Not the most exciting of titles, but today doesn't seem like the most exciting of days. Here are some pictures that I would like to post though, and perhaps later I can do some more writing stuff.. a chicken from the Collaborative quilting class I...
You know, I have no idea why that jingle from my childhood just popped in my head!!!! Anyway there you have a little stream of consciousness in a very random thought!! I have not been bloggin on here much at all due to the finishing up...
Last Wednesday, two rogue dogs broke into our chicken coop and killed all eight of our chickens. It was a very sad day at our house. Those chickens were our dear pets and Camilla the oldest had been with us since 1996 or so...