118: Let the fotos flow….
There is so little time these days! I have a backlog of photos piling up higher than a big night of lasagne-fest followed by a breakfast of bran muffins...
There is so little time these days! I have a backlog of photos piling up higher than a big night of lasagne-fest followed by a breakfast of bran muffins...
Frippery? Yeah, well, I made it up...
I do not enter on my other pages here enough so here is a brief update on the family and home page here. I am doing this mainly for those who have been coming here looking for something about "Me" without all the quilting stuff. ...
That sounds ominous, but it wasn't. I just didn't have time to write about the weekend during the weekend that is all...
This entry follows on the trail of yesterday where there was a very stressful entry as nothing seemed to go well, and nothing got done yesterday...
These are pictures of the studio that desparately needs cleaning today...
drawing a blank for anything creative today. I did want to mention my walk yesterday morning. The moon was full and sinking in the west, and the last star of evening was sparkling over the Cascade foothills in the east. It was a cold but...
drawing a blank for anything creative today. I did want to mention my walk yesterday morning. The moon was full and sinking in the west, and the last star of evening was sparkling over the Cascade foothills in the east. It was a cold but...
It was a beautiful day today. So why am I so "blue"???? I don't exactly know. We went to see a wonderful movie today: The Spiderwick Chronicles...
Oh, that sounds kinda twisted-toasty, doesn't it???? For the 5th day of my 365 experiment in self portrait-ness, I decided to experiment with my digital camera and the photoshop program in my computer. These 3 were the rejects for 365.5, but I liked them so much...