
Rain quilt, Modern watercolor, blue nickel studios, men who quilt, Angela Walters


Here today with us is my little wall quilt, Rain. Rain‘s story is a somewhat sad one, especially shortly after the time it was made, but now, years later, I am pretty okay with it.
I made this quilt as part of my efforts to try to start a book proposal back when that was the thing to do and a LOT of the current “big names” in the quilting industry were becoming big names.
Including Angela Walters who quilted this for me. But due to failures on both the publishing company’s part and my part, the book never came to be. And thus, this quilt lost its joy for me.

Rain quilt, Modern watercolor, blue nickel studios, men who quilt, Angela Walters, Urban Folk Quilts

It is not that I don’t like this quilt, I still do. And I am even fine (okay, fine enough) with the book deal never working out.

Life is what it is, no sense mourning what you cannot change. Everything goes on.

A Little about Rain…..

so Really this quilt is about life too though, particularly life in the Pacific Northwest United States.

It Rains a lot here.

That’s why it is so beautiful and green in the spring and summer. Those are glorious days.

Rain quilt, Modern watercolor, blue nickel studios, men who quilt, Angela Walters, Urban Folk Quilts

But THIS time of year can be hard to deal with the rain.

We have one window that leaks whenever there is a gusty rain. It has for a few years now, and I caulked it this summer thinking that I should have fixed it. I did not.  🙁   So this spring, we are going to have to get some help and the Lord knows how much that  will cost. Here’s hoping He brings in some extra money to cover that cost!

Rain quilt, Modern watercolor, blue nickel studios, men who quilt, Angela Walters, Urban Folk Quilts

Also, I have been under a different type or rain cloud since just about Thanksgiving week. Not bad, and not awful.

Linda described my mood as “happy sad” and that it was very strange. I did indeed feel quite strange, and it was hard to get myself creative; it took a lot of work (this post was written in the height of that funk).

Rain quilt, Modern watercolor, blue nickel studios, men who quilt, Angela Walters

I wish this picture showed the beauty of Angela Walters’ quilting on this project better.

There were a lot of various things that attributed to that. My late brother’s birthday was the Friday after Thanksgiving again (this happens every 5-6 years or so because the date of Thanksgiving changes yearly), My last uncle died,  The anniversary of my brother’s suicide, another Christmas without Mom. These all hit me harder than I expected this year.

Not all is Gloomy though…

We had many good things too, including a White Christmas which we SELDOM see here. And my fabric line solidified – now we are awaiting strikeoffs and some quilts based on the line are forming in my mind. Getting them to be real full patterns by Spring Market is going to be an interesting ride and already May is looking WAY TOO SOON in the quilting industry sense.

So thankfully, I think I am coming out of that weird “happy sad” state! I am feeling motivated again and have to be working on a TON of new things for you this year. If you don’t see me here, look for me on Instagram where I will post what I can. The sad thing about having a collection of fabric and  new patterns and OTHER fun surprises (besides the PAPERWORK – ugh!) is that you have a lot of secret sewing for a long time. But I am hoping you will find the wait worth it.

That’s all folks!

Keep Sewing, Keep Happy,



  • Vickie VanDyken


    I love your quilt. I get the mood. I lost my husband a year ago. It’s going to be a hard time for me. I haven’t quilted much since he left. I’m trying. . The good news my guild, in Lynden Wa,meets on the anniversary. My friends will get me thru!
    I’ve followed you awhile. Love your stuff. Hooray for the new fabric line. Thanks for the gentile reminder and a bit of joy.

    January 26, 2018 at 10:54 pm
  • Mary Ann


    Such a beautiful quilt. I am glad it’s back to bringing you some joy. And will keep an eye on IG, new fabric! New patterns! hurrah!

    January 27, 2018 at 8:18 am
  • I think you are terrific…honest, clever and artistic. Forget the book..this rain quilt is stunning.. I love honest blogs..feelings, creativity…xo

    January 27, 2018 at 8:54 am
  • carolejm


    I love that quilt. And I hear you sister on the rain. I always say this time of year, when it’s sunny it makes us realize why we live here. But it’s been so, so gray! Arg. Sun poke through yesterday. So let’s focus on the sunny days. Of note, with your window, turns out our car has a seal leak and moisture is getting in so a. Also need money to fix, b. There is mold in the car. YUCK. So I get to eradicate that this weekend. In the rain. Have a good day.

    January 27, 2018 at 10:19 am
  • Patty


    Never say never! Who says it’s too late to write your book? I think you should think about it again. Your work is amazing! I’m wanting to make your tree pattern, been looking for it. Looks like a fun quilt. Thanks for the inspiration!

    January 27, 2018 at 2:46 pm
  • sallysangelworks


    Ohhh what a gorgeous quilt! and very appropriate for the PNW!! Super big hugs for the rough season. We go through it and it makes those mountain tops so much better, right? If you need help with any secret sewing for Portland, I’m here for you! I’ll be in Portland, Lord willing!! Hugs!!

    January 30, 2018 at 7:34 pm
  • Lisa B


    I love your rain quilt. And happy sad describes me as well for similar reasons. It’s been a really difficult for months.

    February 11, 2018 at 10:23 am

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