Neptune and the Mermaid
Seaside Wonder in Fabric!!
When I first saw the Neptune and the Mermaid online over at Free Spirit this spring, I thought it was interesting but wasn’t quite sure about it. Then I saw it in person at Quilt Market and became obsessed with it! I finally picked some up at the Fat Quarter Shop this summer and started playing with it a few days ago.
What fun stuff, right?? Giant flowers and Goldfish and Beach Ball like discs!
Divers, mermaids, and bathing fashionistas! Fantastic!! The Border fabrics above and below though? I don’t think I can bear cutting into them……because they are BEYOND Fantastic and both scream tablecloth or tablerunner, don’t they??
So First on my list to do with this line – making a Painted Forest Tree for my All Free Spirit Painted Forest quilt that I am working on!
I love how the diver guys look like they are swinging on the branches!!
And of COURSE Treat bags!
You know how I cannot resist making these treat bags designed by my friend the Happy Zombie!!
Relive your summer fun!!
So yes, I recommend that you run and get this gorgeous fabric while you still can!! So much joyful color and exuberance in this line! I am thinking I may need to go buy a bunch of that border fabric for kitchen curtains…..
And I bet you could even work some pumpkins in with this stuff! I know I would!
Keep Sewing, Keep Happy!
Carrie Booker
The octopus in that line was my favorite fabric of the summer!! I still haven’t cut into it though. I’m waiting for the perfect project. I had to re-order that one
Heading to Portland…I’m going to try and find some!
I’m making a bag out of it… mermaids on one side, floater and diver on the other side. Which side shall I carry it on? Oh dear