Dear Stella Oceans & Foxes
Good morning, afternoon, or evening, depending on your current location!
I just want to tell you how much I fell in love with these two differently themed but similarly colored lines – Dark and Stormy and Luna from Dear Stella.
I love them a LOT ! 🙂
They MOSTLY go together with Luna being mostly Night and Sky prints, but of course this adorable little fox would be Shark Bait for the sharks filling up the one Dark and Stormy print.
Maybe the fox is a ship mascot for the sailors in this other Dark and Stormy print?? Sure! Let’s call him that!
And, of course, since there is that one awesome Shark print, I had to feature a gratuitous shot of the Sharkapplicutter designed by my brother from another mother, Rob! Just because it is ALWAYS Shark week with him!! 😀
Aren’t those sailor seagulls great too!?
So I thought it would be fun to make some of my Little Modern House blocks – slightly fussy cutting for the windows and adding a 1 1/2″ x 7 1/2″ strip on one side to make it a 7 1/2″ square and then mix it with some Soup of the Day blocks!
Here is the Shark House…..
And the Fox House……
And some Soup of the Day blocks in construction phase….
And here’s Nautical Fox Soup block #1 ….
My Soup of the Day pattern is for sale in the Shop here, and Little Modern House block is free downloadable PDF that can be found here.
And guess what? The peeps at Dear Stella sent me enough to give one of you lucky people a fat quarter stack of Dark and Stormy and Luna as well!
So today, just to mix things up a bit, I am posting 9 photos on my Instagram Feed with “parts” of the “story” surrounding Luna and the gang from Dark and Stormy today and tomorrow. I thought it would be fun to caption those photos with some fun little story “bits” about this little fox and his neighbors. To win this fantastic bundle, check out all nine of the blocks as they appear today, and then comment there and/or here on the “story” — either Name our little fox, or tell me more about the gaps that are left in the story bits with each picture. Or just tell me what you like best about anything to do with this line. You can leave a comment on every one of the Dear Stella IG posts and here to increase your chances, but the drawing will be completely random. Thrilling isn’t it?? 🙂
I will draw the winning name from the commentors here and on Instagram next week, then flip a coin to see if the Blog commentor wins or the IG commentor wins.
Keep Sewing, Keep Happy!
Quilting Tangent
Long John Silver Fox.
Jean CondonJean
How fun to tell a story with quilt blocks.
Betsy D
Stowaway the Fox
Kathy E.
The story telling is so much fun! I think the blocks are just beginning to tell what could be a murder mystery among the seas. Little Fox is going to save the day!
Shark week lives!!
Foxy lady….lol…
Mary Mckinney
I love that the quilt tells a story! ❤️ This speaks to the teacher in me!!
I love the cute little foxes and sharks. What a wonderful quilt the would make for a child!
Rebecca K.
They’re perfect fabrics for a fun story!
Katy M
These are my absolute favourite fabric lines at the minute, I love the details
THat is a cute idea….plus inspirational…just thinking of something I have …going to go dig for it…and see what I can do with it..