Tabby Road
Everyone loves a story, don’t they? And I know a really, really delightful storyteller named Tula Pink. Every one of her lines is based on a story she has come up with. I looked online for the storyline behind Tabby Road but I could not find it, so if you know it leave us a comment so we can all find it!
But you don’t need to know the story behind Tabby Road; it is just so stinkin’ cute on its own!!
Teaser shots all tied up in a Fat Quarter Bundle….and Ducks….because well, they are just awesome!
I remember a very long time ago when Tula printed up some Cans of “Tula Pink” (like a Tuna Can) for labels. They were pretty cool!
I was looking for a photo of those can labels she made way back when, couldn’t find the, but then I found THIS little Blog post about her home…YOU have GOT TO CHECK THIS OUT! Tula is living a Quilter’s Dream that is for sure!! I just want to camp out for the day (or two) at her place!
Okay back to some closer shots of Tabby Road, right? Those little kittens are so cute….So much like our Bad Baby who disappeared this winter — So Sad……
These colors are sooooo happy, especially coming out this time of year!
I cut into my Fat Quarters to make these blocks during Julie‘s QuiltNon event last month. Only got two of them done during the event.
But the rest are now done, and I just need to get them put together in the sashing shown. Just a little wall hanging to usher in the colors of spring and summer!
And then I have been waiting to share my Little Modern House block that I designed for another project that isn’t quite complete. It’s just a little fun block. Easy Peasy. and Fun.
And Free too. Download is here on my Freebie Page.
Not quite a square and barely a rectangle, I like making “odd” shaped blocks like this. I think they make your mind bend just a little bit, you know?
I am hoping to bring you some more fun, free, slightly quirky blocks that you might want to create just for fun. So keep checking the Freebie page here, okay? 🙂
You’ll probably be seeing more of these Little Modern House blocks around here from other lines. I think it would be fun to have a bunch of them gathered together.
I know it is a simple silly block, but so is a Churn dash and 9 patch, and who doesn’t love those!? If you make some, please feel free to post and tag them with #littlemodernhouse #bluenickelstudios and/or #urbanfolkquilts
That’s it for now peeps,
Keep Quilting, Keep Happy,
Phyllis Jaco
I just received my layer cake from this collection ! I’m not sure what I will make with it but thanks for all the ideas !!
I read about her storyline for this, or it might have been a video. Anyway, she was designing another storyline that morphed into this one. Fun story. Hope you find it. I think she posted it last market, fall 2016.