– – – – – Happy Valentines Day – – – – – Splendid Sampler Giveaway
Hey there! The Splendid Sampler is DONE —- Well, MINE is not, but all of the blocks and the bonus blocks are online over at the site and the book will be out soon. Today is the big Celebration day full of giveaways. I have fallen way behind on making my blocks, but I plan to finish it some time this year. SO many fun blocks! Check out the Party there and all of the giveaways going on!
Like many of you, I have fallen way behind, but I am determined to finish this quilt. I don’t often make a quilt for us, just for us, without writing a pattern or some other motive behind making it, so I am excited to be making this for our bed. Also, I am NOT wringing my hands over some missed points occasionally in this project. If someone wants to point out my less-than-perfect points….well, they can get the book and make the blocks themselves.
For my regrouping plans on making the remaining blocks, I am starting from the end and working my way back with a couple of in-between ones as well. Here are the four blocks that I have made in the last 2 days:
Kim Neidzwiecki‘s Sunshine Block
Kate Spain‘s Centered Block
Kimberly Einmo‘s Four Corner Spinwheel Block.
Jane Davidson‘s Shell Block
So those are the most current blocks in my Splendid Sampler journey, I will keep posting them in groups as I get them done. Maybe I will get this done by our 28th anniversary this October. Pink and Green were our wedding colors remember?
AND now for the Giveaway. The Blue Nickel Prize will be as many scraps and chunks of the greens. whites, and pinks that I can fit in Medium flat rate envelope — many of the below prints will be in there and others as well. You may even get additional treats like thread or weird little toys, I don’t know what I will stick in there. The winner will also get a downloadable pattern of their choice from my Shop here. Just leave a comment about where you are in the Splendid Sampler journey or any other journey for that matter. I will draw a winner next week on Wednesday sometime.
(also for a day or two more, be sure to comment on my post on the Intermix line of fabric to win some of that as well!)
That’s it. Hope you enjoyed the Splendid Sampler Journey! It doesn’t end here, you can go pre-order the book here and then catch up with those who DID finish their sampler, OR make another if you were one of the speedy ones.
Be sure to leave a comment to enter to win here and over at the Splendid Sampler site ….. and …..as always…..
Keep Sewing, Keep Happy,
Toni Anne Potter
Happy Valentine’s Day! I can’t believe it’s been a year, it seems like it flew by. Love the colors you picked, so springy.
Linda Williamson
It’s the Ugly Christmas Sweater Block!
Good Job Linda!! 🙂
Carol Nelms
Well, I got bogged down by my health, but I have 37 blocks completed. I love your colorway, thanks for the scraps, sure hope I win.
Judie Harron
Scott, You made my day! I am a scrapaholic…sew I love your giveaway! Scrappy quilts are my favorites…beside that…I picked the ugly Christmas sweater block…I do not remember that one and I printed all the block patterns. I have made over 1/2 the blocks… 51/100…and the past few weeks I started from the end working back just like you said. Made me feel like I was catching up. It has been a learning experience for me and I look forward to making more blocks to finish my quilt. Thanks for your giveaway!
Arlyn Parker
Mine are all made and the top is assembled-waiting for quilting. Love those springy colors!
What a fun give away ! I have only 20 “official” Splendid blocks sewn (and some “unofficial” ones I made from all the HST I cut off the official blocks !). Life got in the way of me working on this quilt. But enjoyed seeing all the beautiful blocks that others were creating…
Joyce Carter
Thank you Scott for the awesome giveaway. Green is my favorite color and I love scraps so this is a win-win giveaway for me. I have about half of my blocks made. My husband was sick for a while and I got behind. I am hoping to get back to them soon.
Debby Sales Hames
love the fabrics and have been picking and choosing favorites to start with!
I haven’t yet started my Splendid Sampler journey, but I do have the blocks all downloaded and ready to begin! I have several quilts in the half-way-finished stage and I want to get through them before starting something new.
Quilting Tangent
Been keeping an eye on the blocks, saving my favorites to put on my to do list. Busy quilting a queen size top. Trying not to have to many projects at once. Love scrappy quilts – fabric looks great. Thanks for the chance.
Donna Pfost
Hi! I am a little behind as well. I am on block 50–something…..I have a way to go yet. It has been really fun. I enjoyed learning about EPP and regular Paper Piecing. It brought back good memories of my childhood when doing the embroidery blocks. All in all it has been a fantastic ride, but it is not over yet!! 🙂 …..and thanks for your part in all this!! 🙂
Valerie Neff
Scott.. I loved your splendid sampler paper piecing blocks.. intricate and challenging. I have completed all 100 blocks and many of the bonus blocks and am now in a tizzy to figure out how to put them together in a pattern other than a standard grid. I have a few ideas,… and my friend is letting me use her studio to audition different layouts .. SCORE !
Thanks again for offering the giveaway… Have loved learning this past year.. many many lessons that I’ll never forget !
Terri Thomson
I have loved the pinks and greens in your blocks. I have the last 2 blocks released to make then my blocks will be done. Putting them together and actually finishing will probably take quite a while longer.
I have completed 85 blocks. I have seen a setting I like and have the fabric to do that. Maybe I can finish by February 14, 2018! Love your fabrics. Mine are very tame in comparison.
Phyllis Jaco
I’m behind by at least 30, I know. I certainly enjoyed the project with everyone posting and look forward to another one
I have not started The Splendid Sampler yet but have saved all the blocks. I just finished Pat Sloan’s BOM from last year. Well the top is finished. I have to quilt it yet. Your blocks look great and I always have some missing points when I’m piecing, no matter how hard I try not to. Thanks for a chance to win.
I have not started. But I have saved the blocks. I really like the applique blocks.
Sue Jackson
Middle of my journey is rearranging my sewing room…it’s tiny so every foot of space has to fit into the tetris scape.
Joellyn P
I have about 95 blocks complete and the other 5 will be done as soon as I have a change to do the hand stitching on them. I also have several bonus blocks done.
I am about a quater of the way, Life started to happen and have not been able to sew as much as I wanted to. I really like the last few blocks, so like you I might start working my way back to where I am at.
Kathy Howard
I have 50 blocks done including a couple of bonus blocks; they are not the first 50 though as I skipped some paper pieced ones and embroidery since I have no printer. I had plans to do more but I got sides tracked. I have saved the blocks, but I still need to decide if I will do more. The ones I have will make a small reversible wall hanging.
Gloria Cotten
So far I have been an observant follower only. The timing has not been good for me to participate more fully. I am so delighted to see that there will be a book! It’s alwsys open season with a book! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! Cotten.gloria@gmail.com
Love the green/pink/white fabrics!! NEXT is assembling the 100 blocks into a quilt top… i think this is going to be another journey for sure!
I have made 96 of the blocks!
Angela Short
I have only recently started the splendid sampler journey but I love it. I love fabric! And making things. Would love to have the book one day. Good luck everyone!! angielovesgary2@g maildot com
Erin Smith
Haven’t quite finished (partly because of vacation last week, lucky me!) but also because I skipped some along the way to come back to. Some I wasn’t feeling up to, some didn’t quite work with my fabrics, but I plan to go back through a finish some off. Hate leaving something unfinished!
I’ve been following along enjoying everyone blocks. I have UFO’s that I’m trying to finish before tackling another project.
Pam S
Happy Valentines Day! As for journeys, I’m a teacher, and every semester is a new journey. I’m halfway through this one. Thanks for the beautiful giveaway Scott! I love scrap quilts, and your scraps are delightful. So is your quilt!
I have about 30 blocks left to finish my Splendid Sampler journey. It has been so much fun!!!!
Janet T
I got pushed waaay back with family losses and illness last year. Don’t know if I will be able to catch up. Maybe it will be a mini.
Beth F
I’ve finished all 100 blocks, 16 bonus blocks, and doubled 19 of the original blocks. I’m now designing the Splendid layouts for 5 wall hangings (not all blocks will be used). Love your color choices on your quilt!
Pam M
Oh my! There are some over-achievers here LOL! I have completed 98 blocks plus three bonus blocks, have block #99 cut out and can’t decide on fabrics for #100. All my blocks have been done out of my scrap box, which is still overfowing. I tackled this quilt with the idea (hope) of using them up. Sigh! So thanks, Scott, but I don’t think I need any more scraps (although green is my favourite colour and I spy some really nice green scraps in that bundle …….).
Kim E
What a fun giveaway! I have completed about 75 blocks and most of the bonus blocks.
Michele Norman
I had already committed to a large quilting project last year when this came out, but I just might have to get the book and make it. I love your blocks! What a beautiful color palette.
I applaud anyone who has kept up with these blocks, especially those who have completed a quilt top! I will keep plugging away because I do want to finish this. Unfortunately, my job interferes with my hobbies! It would be awesome if you got yours done in your wedding colors by October!
Have to be honest, haven’t started yet, but it’s on my wish list
Nancy edwards
I’ve made 85 of the blocks plus bonus blocks so I am over 100. I will continue to work until I have done all 100. This journey has been part of my post-cancer therapy. I have sewn more in the last year than I have in many years. I even met a new friend in Christ in England. This journey has been life changing. I loved making your block just last week!
Renee Gabriel
I have finished them all. Thanks to The Splendid Sampler, I know about your site!
I have finished 30 blocks and have 19 cut out for a retreat next month. I’ll pic a few more then stop. I love this project!!
Honestly I haven’t even started because I’m still working on an Illusion quilt.
91 blocks down, only nine to go!
I am behind with embroidery blocks- I would probably passed them and incorporate some large prints fabric. I especially loved doing all pieced blocks with small pieces..
Skye B
I’m ready to jump in and start, all patterns and fabric ready…I had too many projects on the go
I’ve completed all of the blocks and most of the bonus blocks.
My journey has been to quilt all my tops so that those beautiful quilt tops can be used.
Linda Menkes
Just starting the journey, can’t wait to get going.
Brenda Towsley
What a pretty box of fabric! I am almost to 40 blocks. I say that because have 3 blocks cut to sew over the next day or so. Loving the sampler!
Jill S
I have 72 blocks. Loving the process.
So far I have not been able to start the Splendid Sampler but I just recently retired and hope to start soon. I am anxious to learn paper piecing and I love small blocks! Thank you.
I have been working hard to catch up and am on block 91!! I can see the end in sight. I am looking forward to putting all the blocks together and FM quilting the whole quilt. What a fun year the SS team has provided for all of us. Thanks so much!
Hi. I have completed 56 and one bonus block! I have my ‘son graduation quilt and two UFO’s to knock out this year!
Anita Jackson
I truly enjoyed traveling all over the world, reading about each designer.. .their tips, challenges they over come and sharing a bit about their lives. Inspiration came from so many avenues and challenges were accepted many times over! I’ve learned a lot in my skills and enjoyed trying new methods and techniques. I am about 1/4 of the way through my blocks! I am encouraged reading that much of us have not completed all of them. Best wishes getting yours done for your anniversary! You deserve a beautiful creation to celebrate!~ quiltlovefordomesticfelicity(at)gmail(dot)com
Kathy LeBlanc
I have 99 blocks finished. Will do block 100 today.
Sandy K
I haven’t started yet. I am hoping to learn applique.
Vicki H
I am late to the party, I have five blocks.
Mary on Lake Pulaski
I am 2/3’s of the way on my Joseph’s Coat appliqué quilt I started six years ago. I have to finish.
Ginny Chung
Love, loved the journey. I am no longer intimidated by PP or Applique blocks. What a great idea to do this as a great big Quilt a long. The other quilters inspired me in so many ways. I also learned the importance of color placement. So glad I participated. I have 108 blocks now ready to put into multiple tops.
Kandy G from Texas
ohhh, green & pink is a favorite colorway! I’ve completed all 100 SS blocks & about 20 extras & have black sashing with corner blocks on each. I think it will be 11 across by 12 down, still not sure about borders. Now I’m about to tackle a millefiore, wish me luck! Thanks for opportunity to win gorgeous fabric!
Arlene Froelich
I have note started any blocks I have the fabric bought and my three ring binder is full of the patters, I have preordered the book. I just need to start might as well make this quilt number 8 that I am currently working on.
Therese Hoehn
I have all 100 block completed. Now I need to decide on a layout for them.
I am a little late in getting started – I only have 7 blocks completed. But determined to work my way through.
Katy M
I’m still procrastinating over fabrics (I somehow missed the start of this last year, I’ve not been deliberating for a year!) but hope to get sewing soon x
Joanna Barr
I just started my journey last week and have completed 7 Splendid blocks.
Karen O
I started late but I have completed 53 blocks already! It has been so fun!
allison pogany
I am about to start on the journey: I’ve been looking forward to doing a sampler quilt for some skill building and was waiting for just the right one!
allisonpogany at gmail.com
I. Absolutely love your colours I aven’t stared but the Splendid Sampler is on my lust of things to do.
I’ve done 10 blocks. Am picking by technique so I can practice.
Lisa Marie
I haven’t begun the Splendid Sampler journey yet, but it looks to be an epic journey!
Sixty-nine blocks done so far, a few in process, and a lot of ambition to finish!
Cindy M
I’m new to quilting and I have to say I made a valiant attempt at making these blocks! I finished about 20 before I realized I’m in over my head! But I’ll keep trying!!
lstangl482 at aol dot com
OH I would love to play with those scraps !! I never met a green I didn’t like, and my granddaughters have taught me ” pink is wonderful!!”. I had a very crazy year, last year, sew not very far at all in the Splendid Journey… but I will quilt on!!
Thanks for providing some further inspiration.
Angie K.
Where am I in the journey? Somewhere in the middle. I finished 45 blocks, and love your idea about starting at the end now and working my way back to the middle!
I;ve finished all 100 blocks. This weekend I am going on a quilt retreat, and hope to be coming home with a Splendid Sampler quilt top, preferably basted and ready to quilt:)
Lisa in Port Hope
I love sampler quilts. The variety of techniques added a fun element to this one.
I’ve avoided applique at all costs, but a 6″ block was a doable thing to start working at it. So, I’ve procrastinated enough and am working on them.
Katie Higgins
I’m about 20 blocks done in the splendid sampler and currently working on a small wall hanging that just needs to be backed and quilted.
Ann Harrison
I started the SS journey as a way to keep focused near the end of my best friend’s battle with cancer. She died on February 27th of last year. For the last couple of years I have been taking her to chemo every Friday. Now Friday is my sewing day. Splendid Sampler day! Does it sound weird that a sampler quilt helped me through my grieving process? It really did and I am forever grateful that I found it.
Sherrie Conover
I have less than a quarter of the blocks done. I have it on my UFO list and plan on doing 1 or 2 a week to get caught up. Thanks for the giveaway.
Mary Jane Ellinger
I have 2 more blocks that I haven’t made but I need to remake some that I made into mug rugs that I gave as Christmas gifts
Jill Fraczek
My SS block are done, arranged in stacks ready to be sewn together. Then I’ll add a border and will face the challenge of how to quilt it!
Last count 75 or 76 blocks including bonus blocks. I have two cut and waiting and then #100 still to cut and sew. Then I’m going to assess whether I’m done or want to do anymore blocks!
Connie Franks
The 100 blocks were quite an adventure.
Linda Edwards
Hi Scott. I love your pink/white/green! I am in the process of hand-quilting a small quilt that I made with some of those same exact shades. I completed 18 of the Splendid Sampler blocks then life got in the way. I have all of the patterns and intend to get back at it. I enjoyed learning the new techniques and I know there are plenty more to come.
Gwen Wehner
I have 47 blocks made, and a couple more in progress. I like your anniversary idea – ours is in November, so maybe I can get this done by then!!
Denise James
Love doing the blocks but so so far behind. Will catch up soon. Always too many projects on the go. Well done everyone
Jean Blythe sewincolor
I’m about a third done with my blocks! Woot for me! The embroidery and hand applique have slowed me down. I loved both of your blocks!
I have about 6 blocks made, a few more cut out, and all patterns printed and ready. Other “have-to” projects interrupted the journey, but I am going to get the embroidery blocks prepped so I can stitch on them in the evenings. Love your colors- so bright and happy!
I am so late to the game! I just found the Splendid Sampler quilt, so I plan to start next week. What fun!
Stephanie L.
I am also not anywhere near being done. Fact is I only have about 10 blocks done. Procrastination!
I like your scrappy giveaway!!! Lots of in envelopes like that. I’m at ZERO block!!!! I’m late to the party but have downloaded the patterns and hope to start soon.
Corinne in Forks, WA, USA
Love your blocks, and “meeting” you through this Splendid quilt! I only have a few blocks done, but I am determined!
Happy Sewing!
I came into the Splendid Sampler late in the game, but intent to purchase the book so I can give it a go. I love how each block is so different!
Kim Monins
I’m finished!! 100 blocks!! Thanks to all designers, it’s been fun. I learnt a lot about the power of community commitment!! Turquoise makes me happy X
I Love all of the beautiful blocks and the variety of techniques!
Jeanne Brown
I have 6 done.
I have not yet begun my Splendid Sampler journey. I have enjoyed watching it throughout the year.
Sherry Jurykovsky
I have only completed three blocks but have printed every one, plus most of the bonus blocks and projects as well. I plan on kitting up some blocks to work on in front of the TV. Need to keep my hands busy so I’m not snacking instead. As far as other journeys I’m on; just retired and married off two kids in the past year. Enjoying grandchildren and life in equal abundance. And actual journey; we are heading to California to visit with one of the newly wed couples in the next week or so. Looking forward to getting away from the snow and onto a sandy beach some where. Would love to add to my stash with your stash. Thanks for the chance to win.
I’m a little behind and decided not to complete the 100 blocks, i will finish with my 64. it was a wonderful journey of sharing experiences! Now I need to focus on other projects that were forgotten with the splendid sampler. It was a splendid journey to all of us! thanks all
With only have 12 done, I still have a ways to go. I’m steadily finishing off the projects that are in line before the Sampler and look forward to finishing it this summer. The fabric (in a clear zipper bag to keep them clean) is still on my sewing desk because I enjoy seeing them. Thanks.
A bunch of pretties there Scott! I have pieced all 100 blocks together so far with sashing and cornerstones. Now, I need to add the border and/or borders. Haven’t decided on that yet. But, I’m looking forward to sewing another round with the book this time.
Debbie landry
Hey Scott, I have 45 blocks finished and another 7 cut out and ready to piece. I also have 8 -12″ blocks of a St Patrick’s Day quilt started. Green fabric would be great!! Hope you get your quilt finished for your Anniversary!
Mary Wright
I have finished my blocks and the bonuses and threw in a few extras for a total of 131 blocks…now to put it together…
Angela Feazelle
I have only made a few blocks so far and they are beautiful. I love the giveaway fabric colors and they would look great in my bedroom! It seems my year has been one of house repairs but I hope to make this a year of community service and quilting! 🙂
Currently working on quilts for a charity silent auction. Inspired by all the creativity evident in the sampler. Thanks for chance to win!
Lucie Charlebois
I finished all The blocks but I have to do The sashing and border
Charlotte Burns
I made 108 blocks (most of the ss blocks and some bonus ones and a few repeats) and have to piece them. Also just finished the 24 Modern HST blocks (blossom hearts QAL) and have those to piece and quilt as well.
Jill V
I just hit halfway!! Fingers crossed I can finish 50 more in another year!
Joan Adams
All 100 blocks are done for 2 different fabric lines. Now to decide on a layout and get them both done!
I haven’t started yet but hope to when the book comes out. Thanks so much!
My current journey is playing with modern applique…fun to get to do my own thing with no pattern!
Michelle M
So far I have finished 31 Splendid Sampler blocks – so 69 more, plus any bonus blocks that strike my fancy. I guess I’ll be at this for a while!
Amanda G
I love your color combination. Good luck finishing it! Luckily I was off work due a surgery and was able to finish the top due to this. Took me longer, but I had the time. Amanda. Echler (at)hotmail(dot)com
Chris Teague
I am at 56… trying to get to 64… running out of coordinating fabrics… oh well! It’s all good wherever it ends up and has been a fun year.
Lisa R.
I managed to stay on track and finish all 100. Loved it! Now to figure out how to put them together. Thank you for your contribution and generosity.
Nyla-Jean de Boer
I am 70 blocks in,but some of those are my own design. Aiming for 225!
It has been a fun journey Love the green in your fabrics
Linda in PA
I’ve only done a few blocks of The Splendid Sampler. I’m hoping to work on completing many more in the near future. I have been busy babysitting local grandchildren and visiting far away ones.
Pam White
I have made 77 now.
Linda N
I have made all 100 and several of the bonus blocks. Now to figure out my layout!
Have to be honest, haven’t started yet, but it’s on my to do list
Jan Bolton
I am working on my first block.
Patty Galbraith
Hi Scott. Thanks for this. I have about 30 blocks completed. Like you, I am determined to get this done! mpattygalbraith@gmail.com
I have gotten behind and then worked to get back on track. I have 89 done. I am now working on embroidery. I am anxious for the book and more ideas about how to use the blocks. Loved your block because I like paper piecing.
Linda N
I have 33 blocks finished, but I will persevere until they are all done, of course.
I’ve done 40 blocks in 2 different colorways, for a total of 80 blocks!
Leslie Wittenberg
I love your fabrics! I have completed about 80. I got behind because my husband begged me to go on some business trips. It was very hard to tear myself away from my machine. I’m finishing farmers wife qal and I also have a blue and yellow fons and porter quilt in progress
I finished my Splendid Sampler after doing 49 of the first 60 or so blocks. So it is all together, quilted and binding done, waiting to be delivered to the little girl next door–should be just her size!
Melody Lutz
I’m at 57 blocks….at 57 years old as of yesterday! Too weird…but still going for the 100!
Judi D
I am so far behind it’s not funny…but I will keep at it. (I knew when I started I would be dragging my feet lol)
Leslie Fitzgerald
Hi Scott – I’m 23 blocks into this project. Block # 24 got lost on its way back from NY where it had gone to be autographed by Pat Sloan. *sigh* Oh well – it was a fun block to make, so making it a second time won’t be that difficult. It’ll b a while before I get back to sewing since I’m on another journey right now, dealing with a HUGE water damage problem in my house. 8 to 12 weeks for repairs to be done…whee! Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the roller coaster that is life.
Katie Clark
I made 4 quilt tops with 25 blocks in each for a total of 100 blocks. I have loved every minute of this journey. My favorite memory is meeting up with both designers and other quilters at a shop in Syracuse during the summer! Thanks Katie
Alexandria Hull
Just found the challenge and completed my first block.
Virginia Howell
Just discovered these blocks and hope to start doing them soon.
Nicole Sender
I have not completed many of the blocks yet! I plan to continue with this challenge! Love your blocks! Your fabric scraps would be so much fun to sew with! Such great colors!
Tammie Hadley
I’ve made 119 blocks so far and I want to do two more bonus blocks
Tish Leupen
I’m a little late to the party as I have been putting my blocks together and using up my leftovers for a piano key border. I’m done and ready for spring! I love your pink and green blocks and fabrics. They are so fresh and I’m a happy colours kind of quilter. Thanks for being a SS designer! It’s been fun!
I’m in the middle of my 70th block and hope to finish soon!
Judy Tillott
I’m only new to this sampler but have managed to get through 5 blocks to date and absolutely loving every moment of this journey. I have to say that your fabrics are totally surreal and absolutely amazing and would love to create a masterpiece like yours. Fantastic designers with amazing designs have made this a journey I will never forget
Sue Winterbottom
Thank you so much for participating. I loved this!
Serena Kim
Thanks for giving us chance to win!
I made 100 plus 21 bonus blocks.
I loved it it your bonus block Good Morning came out for the New Year!❤
Specially, paper piecing was my biggest accomplishment through this Journey!.