Week of Happy…..Day Four
Welcome to Day Four of the Week of Happy. If you are just hitting the Blue Nickel this week, then you need to check out this post to see what’s going on, but if you have been here all week, then you know the score. It’s all about Happy around here this week.
When I was passing by the Dear Stella booth at Quilt Market last spring, I saw Woodwinked all lined up in a row of pillows, and I totally fell in love with the deer in this line (yes, I know I lamented the deer that frequent my yard in yesterday’s post) and again I thought it was so pretty. I commented to the gals sitting there about how terrific it was and they gave me a fat quarter pack to play with! I hadn’t noticed the owls or the mushrooms at first, but discovered them in the mix. Too cool!
So I made stuff with it even! Here’s another of those cool little wallets designed by Valori.
And more of those little treat bags designed by Monica.
Since I only have Fat Quarters of this line, I will be working them in with other prints down the road, and I am sure they will play together very nicely.
So to win either Monday’s Chronicle Book prize or my surprise pile-up from tomorrow’s post, simply comment here about something or someone or some event that makes or will make or has made you happy lately. And to have more chances, comment on each and every Week of Happy post this week….including tomorrow’s. It’s been super uplifting to me to hear all of your Happiness spilling over. If you are feeling a little worn down this week, read the comments. There is a lot of happy to be found out there.
Keep Sewing, Keep Happy!
Lori M
ooohh…I adore those owls! Love this fabric! Today I am very happy to have the sunshine on my face while I sit outside for lunch, just lovely!
I’m so happy my friends house didn’t get burnt from the forest fire behind their house.:)
Two Of My Students Who Really Struggled Through School But Continued To Work Hard Will Graduate Next Month THanks For All ThE Happy Inspiration On Your Blog This Week!
Joyce Carter
WOW! I love this fabric with the little owls. The little bags and the wallet is very cute.
My friend came by the other day and we had a girl’s day out. We had lunch together and then went to the fabric store. What an awesome day of shopping! I bought tons of fabric and had a great time. It made me very happy.
Rebecca Kyler
Love the owls and mushrooms! So cute. Keeping my happy going this week with a lomi lomi massage this morning. Now i am very happy! Thanks Scott for two great classes at Quilter’s Affair.
Cutting fabric for a new quilt today !!
An event that made me happy lately was attending the wedding of my son’s best friend.
Today my happy moment was my husband going out of his way to drive us to a park the kids really wanted to go to. He is a continued source of joy to me; he is such a loving father and husband.
carolyn montgomery
happy to be basting my butterfly quilt
Kat Scott
Fresh cherry tomatoes from my garden make me happy today!
Took my two sons on their very first boat ride ever this morning. Both boys loved it! Made all three of us very happy. 🙂
Connie Cain
Grandbabies always make me happy!! 🙂
Susan the farm quilter
Happy to have the window a/c units in (and running smoothly) to keep the high heat and smoke from the fires to the west of me at bay!!
Today was my weekly meeting with the ladies and gent in our sit n sew group. Today we worked on pro bono projects. Cute fabric! Thanks for all of the inspiration.
Rachelle - Warming Crafts
Today I’m happy that I’ve managed to get the fire going so hopefully I’ll warm up soon
Awww the owls are so cute. My happy today was when I got home from work, hubby was already to grill steaks. Yummy.
Feeling happy because I’m going to Virginia to see my granddaughter tomorrow!
I’m happy to have two great young adult kids who are working their way toward living their dreams. Very proud of them both.
Lori Ferreri
I wake up each day. Happy and thankful I have a great career. I get to go to work and help people. I come home to my family. I’m planning a retreat for my quilt friends. Life is happy
Orange makes me happy, and a pillowcase I’m making. And my crazy, loud, messy family.
my dad passed away a year and half ago and my mom is still having a hard time. For a much needed break, she went to visit a friend in Florida for the month of May. she came back so refreshed. It’s great to see her happy again.
I love the owls. My husband makes me happy because he helps me with my projects like re potting heavy plants. I know he could care less. He was surprised to learn the plant came from his Great-great Grandmother. That got his attention.
Today is my 40th birthday! We had family come from out of town and went out to a lovely dinner. We also closed on our house today and now we’re homeowners again. Today was a very happy day. 🙂
It made me happy today to hear my boys playing so nicely with their friends that came over for a playdate.
Today I’m happy that it’s Friday which means it’s breakfast cob at work day – bacon and hash brown cob, you can’t beat it!
Michele T
I am on a trip of a lifetime to Europe with my husband and daughter…. But the best part of this trip will be visiting with my French relatives, some whom I haven’t seen in 40 years!!! Just thinking about this reunion makes me very happy!!
Shelley C
The mushrooms caught my eye first…too cute!
I just got back from Florida; went to visit my 89 yr old mom. Changes happening there that make me sad, but it was fun this time around because one of my kids with 5 of my grandkids came with me! Fun to see the little ones experience ocean waves for the first time and walk the beach collecting shells…it was a great time! Happy!
Shelley S
Sunshine, flowers and blue skies make me happy….that and I have a 2 week vacation to look forward to!!!!
Last night we got some super happy news! The store my hubby works at is going to be closed for a full remodel on August 2 until mid-November and we didn’t know what was going to happen with his job, last night his boss told him he was one of the people chosen to reopen the store in November and that he would be placed in another store until the reopening.
So inspirational!! Gotta get my sewing machine back on the table!!
I love the hand-drawn feel of the patterns!
Rain. Lots of it. We needed it badly and it is such a great break from the heat here in Texas!
Sarah J.
Such a cute line! Today being outside (in a very cool July breeze) is making me happy! Thanks!
Donna Joy
Anything with owls make my very happy.
So when I saw those lovely owls on those bags I sure did a little scream of delight.
Mary D
I am happy to have such super friends in my life. I have met some wonderful women along the way that I am blessed to call my friends. They uplift me in so many ways.
I am happy to have such a wonderful and supportive family in my life. In this world where isolation seems to be the more of the norm, I have such wonderful jewels that complete the fabric of my life…. my family and friends.
Linda E
Today I am HAPPY that I am finishing the packing for our 2-week long vacation in Maine. Looking forward to shorts periods of relaxation intermingled with hiking, camping,biking, whale watching, and whatever other adventures we can find. Lot of HAPPY and many SMILES.
The little owl bags are so incredibly cute. i am very happy because last week my husband found a tiny fabric shop in a town about 25 minutes away from us. It really is tiny but at last I have the opportunity to see and feel the fabrics in person, I have to do it all online and sometimes the colour isn’t the way it looked on screen.
I love the owls !!
We’ve just had a night of thunder and lightning – I love lying awake listening/ watching. My favourite sort of weather –
Camping in the backyard