NGAQB — January!
so my friend John asked me back in late November if I wanted to be in an all male quilt-bee-swap-thingie… I was hesitant to do so because I have serious overcommitment issues already, but I thought this might be doable because I only had to do two blocks every month. So I said yes…and I met a cool bunch of fellas….And we talk about more than quilting. We also talk about “guy” stuff which is nice to have that opportunity to talk to men about our lives and quilting from a different perspective than most of my conversations with the more female demographic of the quilting world.
The group was headed up by Joshua Helms….better known in the quilting world as Molli Sprinkles (no idea why, but that’s the name of his blog) You can read more about the formation of our testosterone Q-team here.
The blocks pictured here are my contribution to the first set of NGAQB blocks which are for Sandy Greenburg. Here’s a little bit more about him in his own words.
1. I’m Sandy Greenberg. I was born in 1969, while men were walking on the moon, in the suburbs of Chicago. Being an only child I was given lots of attention and, since both my parents were teachers, my creativity was encouraged. I studied art in high school, at Illinois State University and finally got my degree from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I didn’t do much with it, other than get a job screen printing t-shirts. The creative bug was pretty much burned out of me.
Fast forward a decade or two and after a pretty serious work accident (I sliced open my wrist cutting 9 of 22 tendons, 1 of three nerves and one of the arteries) I met a lovely Yorkshire lass online. Days and sparks flew and I moved to Leeds, UK and got married in 2002. We have a lovely 4 year old boy who has been with us for 2 ½ years now. We also have three cats called Jimmy (13 ½), Maggie (5) and Norman Price (14 weeks).
I like reading and watching Science Fiction, watching motor sports, traveling, and having fun with my boy.
2. I am married to the super talented Brioni Greenberg, aka Flossyblossy. She’s been a quilter for about 6 years. She is one of the founders of Fat Quarterly ezine and is co-author of FQ’s first book (the second is on its’ way). She also had her first solo book come out this summer, “25 Ways to Sew Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes and Charm Packs”. Having this influence in the house, and being constantly surrounded by fabric and projects it was pretty hard not to take an interest.
I approach quilting as a technical challenge. I am less bothered by the outcome and am more interested in the process. I LOVE paper foundation piecing! I have no interest or love of fabric however. I pay no attention to lines or designers, just pretty colours and patterns. I’m a fearless skilled amateur. My second ever project was a pattern of curved flying geese of my own design and everyone thought I was brave and crazy. I just did it because no one told me that I couldn’t.
3. I’m probably a modern quilter, I don’t really know. I tend to like uber complicated patterns with small pieces and bright rainbow palettes.
4. I chose the Lone Starburst block because I love it but didn’t fancy making enough for a whole quilt. You can find it here and here.
5. You can find me in these places:
Instagram: Curly_Boy1
Twitter: @Curly_boy1
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/curly_boy/
Here’s a list of all of the guys in the club:
I’ve been following this with interest. Guys do seem to have a different way of looking at things.:)
It’s good to know that Sandy’s work accident doesn’t keep him from creating quilts! It will be interesting to watch & see what the NGAQB is working on. Good on y’all!
This is pretty cool! Enjoy!
Jean F
I think it’s awesome!
Elizabeth Johnson
Just what you need! Enjoy yourself! I love the January block!