Aurifil Love ….. Designer of the Month October….

Aurifil Love ….. Designer of the Month October….

Okay so it is already past the middle of October and I haven’t yet shared this that I wanted to share at the BEGINNING of the month.  Mostly because I have been working on a few things for Quilt Market and next summer’s fun week at Sisters. Oh, and I have copy and editing due (like last week due!)  for Generation Q before I go to Quilt Market next week.

I know that I am late to this party, but I am going to be part of the Party next year, so I wanted to come early! I love parties, don’t you? What party? well this party:

2013 aurifil jan to oct blocks

Aurifil has been featuring 12 quilt designers every month since about 2011 as far as I can see. And I think they get better every year. (ahem, especially NEXT year…. 🙂 ) But anyhoo back to this month (we won’t think about how it’s almost over and Quilt Market is next week with a bunch of deadlines…oops, there I go again!)

Allison Harris is the featured designer for October.  I haven’t actually met Allison yet even though she lives a drive and a ferry boat away from me.  Someday I hope to get over there to visit!  I did talk to her on the phone a few weeks ago about something else, and I found out that she is just one of the sweetest ladies on the planet. Loves her family and Loves chickens, so entirely my kind of people!  Pat Sloan did a great interview with Allison here.

2013 Allison Harris October Aurifil designer button

Here is Allison’s block Stairway to Heaven and the directions can be found here.

Block of the Month October

And here’s another cool thing….if you make a block and post it on the Aurifil Flickr page, you are in the running to win a thread Kit of Aurifil… a $120 value!!  A random winner is chosen each month from the blocks posted.  After Market, I am going to go through all of of this year’s previous blocks to get caught up myself.  I haven’t decided if I am going to do a line of fabric for each block or just go through the stash on a color scheme bash…I am thinking I might do the color scheme way…maybe all of my Christmas fabrics? I always  have wanted to have every bed in the house get a Christmas quilt, but that hasn’t happened yet.  And my kids aren’t so great at making their beds anyway, so maybe that is just a dream of Martha Stewart proportions.

And if you missed the past blocks (like I have) and want to catch up (like I do) all the blocks can be found here by going through the past posts.
I really need to get back to one of these other Pre-Market deadlines now. If we are lucky, I will get a whole bunch of books and fabric posts scheduled to post while I am at Market….but not so sure how that will go! I really want to post so much here to share with you.  Just never seem to find the time…But you probably know what I mean, don’t you!
Oh, and thanks for all the great comments on my last post…I have a few more ‘soul-searching’ posts to share about “feelings” type stuff.  Maybe not quite so funny as the Mankini picture though!!


  • Sharon


    I hope to join the Auafil BOM next year.

    October 19, 2013 at 5:56 am
  • Scott, congrats on being a designer of the month for next year. Hope we can meet in person at Market.

    October 19, 2013 at 7:59 am

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