Aurifil Love ….. Designer of the Month October….
Okay so it is already past the middle of October and I haven’t yet shared this that I wanted to share at the BEGINNING of the month. Mostly because I have been working on a few things for Quilt Market and next summer’s fun week at Sisters. Oh, and I have copy and editing due (like last week due!) for Generation Q before I go to Quilt Market next week.
I know that I am late to this party, but I am going to be part of the Party next year, so I wanted to come early! I love parties, don’t you? What party? well this party:
Aurifil has been featuring 12 quilt designers every month since about 2011 as far as I can see. And I think they get better every year. (ahem, especially NEXT year…. 🙂 ) But anyhoo back to this month (we won’t think about how it’s almost over and Quilt Market is next week with a bunch of deadlines…oops, there I go again!)
Allison Harris is the featured designer for October. I haven’t actually met Allison yet even though she lives a drive and a ferry boat away from me. Someday I hope to get over there to visit! I did talk to her on the phone a few weeks ago about something else, and I found out that she is just one of the sweetest ladies on the planet. Loves her family and Loves chickens, so entirely my kind of people! Pat Sloan did a great interview with Allison here.
Here is Allison’s block Stairway to Heaven and the directions can be found here.
And here’s another cool thing….if you make a block and post it on the Aurifil Flickr page, you are in the running to win a thread Kit of Aurifil… a $120 value!! A random winner is chosen each month from the blocks posted. After Market, I am going to go through all of of this year’s previous blocks to get caught up myself. I haven’t decided if I am going to do a line of fabric for each block or just go through the stash on a color scheme bash…I am thinking I might do the color scheme way…maybe all of my Christmas fabrics? I always have wanted to have every bed in the house get a Christmas quilt, but that hasn’t happened yet. And my kids aren’t so great at making their beds anyway, so maybe that is just a dream of Martha Stewart proportions.
I hope to join the Auafil BOM next year.
Scott, congrats on being a designer of the month for next year. Hope we can meet in person at Market.