cleaning part one of who knows how many….
You may recall me posting about cleaning the studio….well…I am still at it…These pictures show some of the before and after (well, mostly during because I am really not done yet….) (also note new chair in this photo….a VAST improvement form my back and my frame of mind in here!)
This is the corner I sew in…I call it the nest as it is a little separated from the rest the studio by a wall and some shelves. Here it is at the beginning of the deep cleansing…
The below is where my sewing machine usually sits…you see that dark line along the red? that is a “ledge” of sorts created by the two pieces of laminate that I salvaged from my old job many moons ago. That ledge always bugged me.
So while I was ripping everything apart, I took EVERYTHING off of it….and hauled one piece over to my Dad’s, and he ripped it down the middle for me. No more ledge!! So happy!
working on cleaning and refolding and organizing fabric and projects that had been piled on the floor in the background there….note the zebra duct tape along the seam of the red countertop….gotta love that zebra duct tape!!
And although, this IS better than it was (hadn’t seen the front of those canvas bins on the back wall…for ahem….let’s just say a LONG time) I still have much to do….I am working on projects again, and though, I haven’t totally finished cleaning, it is SOOO refreshing working in the cleaner space, that I am still encouraged to keep working at it! I have MANY boxes of fabrics to sell outa here in a Studio Instagram sale later in the year!
That’s it for now….gotta get to those projects….and hopefully some more cleaning…I have such BIG hopes for this room, my productivity and my gardens by the end of the summer…..(did I mention, we really never finished our paint job on the house from 2 years ago either?? probably not, but I have much better hopes of getting it done this year over last year!!)
Shelly Pagliai
Wow! And I thought mine was bad! You’ve made me feel much better.
You can do it!
Ya know. That space looks like a creative whirlwind. I don’t trust a neat quilter… LOL! You really gotta nest with the fabric to feel it and know it. Plus, I think it really shows the passion of the sport. (yes, quilting can be a sport!).
Love it!
P.S. don’t clean so much that it hinders your style. 🙂
Michele T
Whew! That is a big job to tackle… bit by bit, I guess 😉
Is it possible for you to have a bigger space? I think that is why is looks messy.
I had to laugh at the last part about not getting the house painting done. When we repainted, we left one side of our house unpainted for years. Seriously. It took an addition to finally get it all the same color. As for your studio . . . I as wondering if there was a sewing machine in there somewhere. You’ve made a lot of progress Scott . . . keep going . . . : )
Tammy Gilley
I think it’s a lovely mess. 🙂
Don’t stop! Boy I’d love to come help! Do love a good clean out! So satisfying! If I didn’t live in Australia I’d even offer!!! Can’t wait to see your next progress photos! The world waits! 🙂
Great job Scott….cleaning and organizing always feels so cleansing LOL Thanks for sharing your process.