May’s end…..

May’s end…..

So much for making up for April’s dismal blog post month. Today’s May 31st, and in some places already June 1st, so I know that I didn’t come even close to making up the loss of posts, speaking from a performance point of view at least.  The good thing was that I have been very busy, and sometimes even creatively busy.  Here above is my quilt for Cloud 9 Fabrics made out of Happy Drawing and a smattering of solids or almost solids.   Please forgive the fuzzy picture…I think this came via Michele’s iphone, but I don’t remember exactly.    I actually had 4 quilts at Market. Two of which you have seen a few posts back and one that I completely forgot to get a picture of.  I am going to have to wait until Elyse at Free Spirit sends me a photo so I can share with you.

I wish I had more energy to share with you….some of my best writing has been happening over at Generation Q and then only occasionally is it my best.  Now that Market is over (and I do have a few pictures to show you, but mostly of things I saw in Kansas City, not Market) we are working hard on issue two…Plus I am getting ready for teaching at Sisters and working on my poor lonely book !  And as if that wasn’t enough, the above quilt is going to be one of my first patterns for sale in an individual retail type sale.  I am going to start out selling PDF versions to make money in order to sell print copies.  I have at least three others in the works as well.  I will let you know when and where you will be able to purchase them as soon as they are ready.

Oh, and yes, I need to announce the winner of Emily’s book here  too!!  See, so far behind on everything.  Hope to make that announcement on Saturday, okay peeps??

Thanks for stopping by even though I haven’t always had the zippiest posts lately.  There are 101 things that I want to tell you, but so many of them must wait for better timing for a myriad of reasons.   The last 8 months have been such a roller coaster ride in so many ways…

talk to you soon!!


  • Mary on Lake Pulaski


    Your Cloud 9 quilt is amazing. Congratulations on all the creative stuff you are kicking out!

    May 31, 2012 at 6:27 pm
  • Shelley C


    What a great looking quilt! Love the pattern and color! You have been quiet post wise, but we know that you are up to some pretty amazing things that will eventually find their way to an informational post. Keep it up! You can do it! Rah rah rah :0

    Ah Shelley! thanks so much for the great encouragement!!

    June 1, 2012 at 6:12 pm
  • I love the Generation Q site and the informative posts that I have read. I am very interested to know of your patterns. I love your designs. Glad to here from you! Take a breath and enjoy the ride!

    June 1, 2012 at 10:14 pm
  • I love the quilt and the fabrics. Good luck with your new ventures…. Book, PDF patterns and teaching… Sounds like you have lots of energy!

    June 11, 2012 at 5:14 am

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