242:More Winners….

242:More Winners….

For the winner of the  Jelly Roll from the Quilt-a-long post we have

Janet who wrote…..

I am really enjoying the quilt-along. I am using a Blush jelly roll and having fun with this line of fabrics. I love brights and enjoy all the wonderful blogs that are on line.

And on the Name Game…it was not an easy task for me or my panel of guest judges…In fact, the race was so close for this sweetie,

that I am giving her a middle name and a little scrap bag to the giver of that name as well.  Her first name will be Wren, and I had two entries for that name, but Mr. Random came to help and picked my friend John as the winner.  And Wren’s middle name will be Olive given by Nancy

and Girl #2

 will now be named Suki by a near unanimous final vote…This name comes courtesy of Kaye Prince….who by the way also won something from me not too long ago…In fact, I met both Kaye and John at Quilt Market, and feel rather guilty of some sort of rigging the contest because Judge Jennifer is a Fly Girl with Kaye, even though no one really knew who submitted what name, and I didn’t even remember that info.  

The stories that you sent in surrounding these two girls were WONDERFUL….I think I am going to give all your stories to my daughter and have her create a mashup of our favorite parts.  These Blue Nickel Assistants are some amazing individuals….

So winners please send me your snail mail addy’s (and yes, John and Kaye, you two…because I probably lost both of your addresses since the last time I sent you something…I am bad that way, I need but can’t afford a real intern!!)

…and just so you have a little new inspiration and a tiny bit of color…here are the flowers that were planted on the front porch of the beach house we stayed at two weeks ago…

I loved this little spot of color on the porch.  Flowers are always a nice touch anywhere….Beauty’s where you find it…

and now work mixed with beauty is waiting for me to found in my studio….and you in yours as well..

I just want to thank all of you who stop by and visit me here on the blog….I love hearing what you have to say and all the great stories you share!  Keep your chin up, and have a great week….

Later Gators,    Scott


  • Haha, I can’t believe I won! That’s so super-awesome – I’m going to have to tell my Mum that you chose her nickname!

    August 11, 2010 at 7:39 pm
  • Congratulations to the winners…Scott, I look forward to Wren Olive’s and Suki’s bios once they’re completed.

    August 11, 2010 at 9:02 pm

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