218: Mirror, Mirror

218: Mirror, Mirror

Thi colorful Pompom Mirror was a gift from Mimi a few years back…A little too bright for the rest of the house, but it goes just great in the studio.  It is just a basic IKEA mirror that she hotglued a bunch of Pompoms on….here it hangs with my Chinese boxing boys, the Abominable Snowman, my homemade pencil frame and a Christmas kitten drawn by the same Miss Mimi…


….and here is something a tad more exciting than this messy corner of the studio.  I have had the pleasure of being interviewed by Joe Cunningham for his upcoming book, Men and the Art of Quiltmaking.  Joe asked me last year and interviewed me by phone for my bit in the book.  And I have three of my quilts going in it, one of which you can make cause I wrote up directions for it for Joe’s book.   Joe was up in my neck of the woods about 5-6 weeks ago, and we had a great evening after his show at a local quilt guild. If you haven’t seen him do his “show” it really is a great one, and I am here to say you should …..not only is he a talented quiltmaker, he is a great muscian too!!


  I can’t remember what Joe told me he wrote, but I okay’d it, so it must be decent! 🙂  I am really looking forward to getting my copy, and I will probably get a few to sell in our Etsy shop too, just cause I can, and you might want to get yourself a signed copy (well, okay my signature, not Joe’s…but maybe I can get some like that too.) 

That’s all for now, I am back to those approximately 673 things I have to do this month and 1/2 of next….

TTYL,   S.

PS, if you really want to keep closer tabs on me…which may or may not prove interesting, follow me on Twitter.  I am on there probably too often, but I might actually even say something intelligent once in awhile…maybe….more likely it would be something silly…but you know, whatever….   🙂


  • Congrats on your quilts being in Joe’s book, I am going to look for it, where will it be? I am smiling at where your quilting life is taking you….I see where you are going!! Keep up the good work. By the way…did you say you were going to be at market? See you there!

    Thanks Sheri! Yup, I will see you at Market!!

    April 5, 2010 at 10:17 pm
  • wow Scott you go!! That is so cool and what an amazing looking book!!

    April 6, 2010 at 9:55 am

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