201: One more sleep til Christmas…
And the day I have given myself to read all your wonderful comments! I have really enjoyed the glances I have snuck at the comments coming in for my 200th Post Extravaganza. I have been very surprized at the comments regarding the word “bungalow” but I will not reveal my thoughts on that until after the drawing is over tonight. A BIG NOTE here regarding comments on my blog…..it is set up so that I need to look at them before they get posted in order to prevent spam, so don’t think that you haven’t posted a comment when you thought you did. It is probably just setting in the queque waiting for me to approve it…and since I am often at work, where I don’t have the time to go in and do that, often they will wait until evening.
So I hope that everyone doing their last minute Christmas shopping will be calm and relaxed, cause you know it really will be okay if everything isn’t perfect….maybe even better, right? I mean look at Mr. Moon here…peaceful as can be with a giant “mole” shaped like an upside down heart… okay so that comment is weird, but I needed a caption for this picture. Tell you what if you send me a better caption (and THAT won’t be hard, I will send you some brand new fabric love from the latest lines) So you could call this giveaway number two!! Deadline for a caption will be New Year’s Day….I will post a picture of the prize for this one between now and New Years Day!….so start thinking up something clever and charming, okay?!
Later my friends! S.
Goodnight kiss
so we added chickens
how about “the moon was so happy he cried a tear of joy and love” (since the moth has a bit of a heart shape, albeit an upside down one)
a peppermint penguin
“tears, like butterflies, will soon fly away”
Sappy, eh!? It is a lovely picture though.
Tabitha O.
nothing witty to say here for a caption but I love the dirt smudge on the cheek like the moon was blushing–we have pink/purple moths here in Albuquerque not just those boring brown ones lol
ok just to be obnoxious
the moth who was punked: ‘it’s the moon’ he says ‘thats just where they hang it during the day’ he says…I’m gonna get that Fred
I love those quirky Godzilla movies and immediately thought of Mothra when I realized that the upside down heart is actually a moth.
My caption would be “Mothra finds love”….the moon doesn’t seem to mind that there’s an insect on his face, lol.
Sarah Vee
How about – Love kissed Moon? – Merry Merry Scott! Much JOY to you and yours this season and for the New Year!
Deb Keller
My caption:
And the man in the moon wept as he looked down on a world that was not at peace at Christmas time………
Mary on Lake Pulaski
Wonderful photo!
The “Moon dreams of love” is my thought!
Layne Perkins
Mooning over you
Night, night. Sweet dreams.
How about “moth-erly love”?
Okay – I admit it – I’m into really bad puns. Sorry. 🙂
over the moon in love.
Pamela Smith
Lunar moth ~
Joy P
It looks like a lunar tear.
I love the picture and came up with:
Luna Love
The Luna Way Station
To the moon moth, to the moon…
(Shades of Jackie Gleason)
Barb in MI
What about moon-drop?
Say it with Shakespeare…
Upon the corner of the moon,
There hangs a vaporous drop profound;
I’ll catch it ere it come to ground.
Shakespeare: Macbeth, iii. 5.