130: The world is going to sleep…..
…….I had this thought when I was driving home the other night. Fall is here bigtime, in fact, it is going into phase two already — the rainy part. We had a wonderful indian summer here in the NW, as I rather expected after the coolish summer we had for the most part. But now the hush of winter approaches, and as I drove home, it seemed to me that the world was snuggling in for a cozy nightcap, shedding all the extras and froufra for a nice long winter’s nap…and I got excited because to me that means most of the yard work is at a minimum, and I can get to the sewing stuff! I haven’t been sewing as much as I would like, and that makes me kinda blue…I have not been feeling well lately, and I think it is either because I spent too much time trolling the internet looking for Quilt Market news, or the stress of another retail 4th quarter is hitting me, or my current 98 mile a day commute, or the two (now) trips to the ER for some sort of allergic reaction I have been getting…I finally am getting to an allergist soon, now I am just pretty afraid to eat anything…(great diet plan, not!) but ENOUGH whining already Scott!
Today I have some random shots for you from some things I have been working on…or collecting….or whatever….so here you go:
the part of me that was at Quilt Market.
a great flag that Linda made for me for last Christmas or the Christmas before….
pages from the journal I started in 1001 Journal project someone else is adding to this now, and I am excited to see what others add to my little book…..HOPEFULLY I will really get it back…sometimes these things get lost….
a great turkey from Dover and another batch of turkeys from Pokey at Quilting Arts: I am thinking I have to do something with these…I love them…Real turkeys, I guess, can be quite the nuisance, but I hear about them a lot, they don’t seem to be here in the NW, but someday…I do have the neighbors peacocks infiltrating our yard sometimes….beautiful but annoying creatures….mainly the peacocks and sometimes the neighbors …. :o)
a snippet from my wife’s and my friend Elaine over the mountains in WA state. I just noticed she calls me Mr. Mabel in her links…cause she found my wife’s blog before mine!
a cool black and white photo found in a standard clip art set and the Blue Nickel version below:
and finally one of the round robins that I signed myself up for is ready to go to its next round. This quilt will belong to Denis in Canada when it is finished…this is from my all guy quilt round robin project that we have been doing for over a year now…
My part was the last border around the circles…it was applique, and well, I take forever on that sort of thing…so I was way behind on this round…I have another one to work on today…I am almost done with it..no applique, so much faster for me!….
so that is it for now…still feeling “restless” and not sure about a lot of things ….as Linda calls it I feel rather “scribbly” inside……Hope all is well with you out there and that your “nestling in” time is just grand! And don’t forget leaving comments always cheers one up….it’s nice to share….
I thought that Mr. Mabel was so…so catchy! :-0 I’m just so proud of you and that quilt that went to market.
We have lots and lots of wild turkeys over here. If they decide to take up residence at your farm, I guess they can be a real nuisance but I always enjoy seeing them.
I’m making something right now out of that Seams to Me book by Anna Maria.
Take care, Mr Mabel!
sandi a.
How nice for you that a part of you was at Market. Congratulations! Now get some rest!