116: OC stands for Over Committed….again…
You would think I woul learn better, but I just don’t listen to the right voices in my head…the realistic ones…actually they don’t ever get heard over the shouts of “Oh sure, I can do that!” etc.
This post will be brief because of that very scenario. This Thursday my Quilt Guild, the Busy Bees, is expecting me to present packs for them to start making blocks for this quilt
that I designed for our 2009 Raffle Quilt It will be great when finished, and you can buy raffle tickets from me if you like…I think…there may be rules that say I can’t sell you tickets online…but this is the WWW…. Wild, Wild West of cyberland out here, so I am not sure which rules apply…If you win it…I will just say you are a distant cousin or something. If you are from Wisconsin or Nebraska, it could be true!
Anyway…I got a lot to do to get ready, but after Thursday, I have a bunch of cool pictures to post…so come back now, ya here?
Sandi A.
“Oh sure, I can do that!” LOL I have the same problem, Scott. I am thinking I need a muzzle on my mouth! Hee Hee.
Can’t wait to see the quilt and, I am sure I may be a distant cousin, so I’ll need a raffle ticket so I can win. 🙂
I *love* that pattern! Though I think I may be guilty of the “Oh sure, I can do that!” syndrome. *gulp* Case in point, I am out of the house 3 out of the 5 weekdays this week! Its for a good cause, but still… I need to stay home more so I can quilt! 🙂