The Tootsie Pop Mini Quilt Challenge
Here is the long awaited Contest/Challenge—-ta-da! the Tootsie Pop MIni Quilt Challenge! This is just a sample of a fun little project I started one evening, and I decided that I wanted to involve others in this mixed media “quiltercize” And how else to get people involved best? Give away FREE stuff!! So here is the dirt on this fun summer take-along project.
The rules:
1. Your quilt maybe no larger than 4″ by 4″ square. My sample is 3.33″ by 4″ just because that is how it came out. Yours may be smaller or larger up to 4″ by 4″.
2. You must use part or all of a Tootsie Pop wrapper in the design of your quilt. It has to be recognizable as a Tootsie Pop wrapper.
3. It needs to be a quilt, i.e., layered with batting and quilted together somehow.
Those are the three main rules. Please sign up by emailing me at so I can put you on the list. When you are finished with your work of art, email me a jpeg of your work, and I will post it with your name on my site. These must be emailed to me by August 15th. After they are all posted, then all who visit the page will vote by commenting on the site. The mini quilts that get the most positive comments by September 1st will win some great prizes from me, Scott at Blue Nickel Studios. My wife said that I need to post pictures of the prizes, but I am exhausted tonight and have to get up early tomorrow for work, so I am hoping that you will come back in a day or two to look at the sample prizes. There will be more than one prize, so don’t think only one lucky dog will get it.
If you want a special starter kit for this project please email me at the above address, and I will send you a kit for $2 (this includes a Tootsie Pop (flavorful surprise), 4″ square batting, bits and trims, buttons, fabric scraps, postage and handling, etc.) But you do not need to buy one to get started. Email me if you have any questions at all. Further announcements will be forthcoming.
Shawn Quiltinfairy
Love this idea count me in
Shawn, you are definitely in! You are number two on the list, I had another Pickle from the Pickle Road Group sign up too! This will be fun!
Deborah Lancaster
Hi – I just got to fill in the ‘website’ box for the first time! Not much up there yet, but it’s there at least. 🙂
So yeah, count me in too! Now I’ll have to go find a RED TRP. 🙂
Carole Hughes
Hi – Love the idea – love working in miniature – but what’s a Tootsie Pop?
Being a Brit, I’ve never seen one – not sure if there’s a UK equivalent?
PS I’m another Pickle . . .
Count me in too. It has been a few years since I did any quilting… and NEVER with a tootsie pop wrapper. Do you take Paypal? If so, I will hit you with the $2 kit fee today.
This is fun, I am looking forward to the designs
(but who is going to eat all those tootsiepops?)
I am in.
gus nelson
Let me in,,, I want to play also.. hug Gusnaz
Evening, Scott,
I bought my Tootsie Roll pops this afternoon so I am ready to begin consuming them like Kojak and then I’ll have to use my Columbo smarts to figure out which idea is best for my little piece of Tootsie Pop Art. Will be fun to see what the prizes are but even if there weren’t prizes, I just think this will be fun because I like Tootsie Roll pops and I love doing things in miniature!
Shawn Quiltinfairy
So Scott I have my Tootie Pop in the color that I wanted. When buying the Tooie Pop I found some matching tootie rolls that I am also going to use. Do we need to send them to you when we are done? This is going to be great I love it. Should have mine done tomorrow night.
~May The fabric Fairy Sprinkle You With Love, Light, and lots of Fabric Dust~ Love Shawn~Quitlinfairy~ Head Fairy of
That is Great! You just have to send me a quality jpg file of your creation. If you think you cannot get a good picture of it to send me a jpg file, then you can send it to me, but be sure to include a SASE envelope for me to send it back to you in. Scott at the Blue Nickel.
Paul A. Léger
Bonjour West Coast Scott Hansen
This seems like an interesting challenge, count me in. I think the most difficult thing will be to enjoy the Tootsie Pop, actually, it will be real easy.
Let the sewing begin!
Richard (RCaro)
Hey Scott,
You could say that this challenge really Sucks!- get it?
It’s a superb idea but it really sucks! Nice site- love the pieced header and thanks for the props/shout-out in the list of artists.
BTW- count me in on the challenge- do quilters “trash-talk” about challenges- good natured and all of course, as in like- you guys are going down!- you all suck tootsie pops! A little friendly competitive sparing.
How about BlowPops next round?
Jim Vander Noot
Hey, Scott!
I just sent you an e-mail, but I see you’re signing people up online. Guess I’ll have to join in. It will distract me from the 15-16 hour workdays I’ve been having to put in lately.
My wife’s addicted to Tootsie Pops, so I’ll have no trouble getting a wrapper. Now which color to use…
Cheers, Jim
Im in! I will send an email shortly!
Tanner from
Scott, by bag-o-fabric with a tootsie pop just arrived. WOW, am I overwhelmed with possibilities… but hopeful all the same. Thanks for getting back into fiber art as it has been way too long since I did anything like this.
Here we goooooooo…
Peace, Rich
aileen turner
Hello Scott and All , Paul Leger told me about this challenge and that anyone can join in. I thought this sounds like fun and I have jumped in with both feet. aileen