studio shots II

studio shots II

guys to help lighten the load.jpg   These little guys get forgotten on top of my cabinet of lights/neutrals, but they are great little buddies that hang out in my studio. I think three of them are Jeff Goldblum from his Jurassic days, but the Wolfman is my favorite.   Somewhere else in the studio jungle Tarzan from the Disney movie is hanging out, but I don’t know where I last spotted him.  These are some photos of the main area of my creativity. Needs cleaning still, but I thought I would post these fresh pictures.

studio1.3.jpg studio.5.jpg light cabinet open  studios.4.jpg  main stash area    

  studio1.jpg  this shows both the stash area and the sewing area 

  studio1,2.jpg  This highlights the sewing area.

 So inspite of this plethora of fabric and supply, I acquired this assortment of fabric fabric aquirement.jpg   from my friend Jovita at Peawink and Periwinkle when I helped her take down her shop at the Quilters Anonymous quilt show a couple weeks ago.  Jovita is dear woman, who is always happy to see you and tells it like it is, and I really like her genuine-ness.  She lives in Belgium now for the most part, but she has an American showroom here locally…I think I may tootle over there this weekend if I get a chance to see what she has in there.  She normally has great woven ribbons and duponi silks as well as some great actual European fabrics not found too often on this side of the water.


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