Here Comes Autumn!

Here Comes Autumn!

And is is August Already!!

So it must be time for fall, Back to School,  Pumpkin Spice, and all the rest now, right?
Well, I know it seems early to me too, but here in the Pacific Northwest,  many of the branches are dropping a few leaves here and there — and my APPLE TREES! — wow they have a huge harvest going on right now! Two of them have had so many apples that we have not been able to keep up with picking them, and a few branches have broken off as well.


Quilting wise, I am happy to share with you that you can get the instructions to make my October 1889 Quilt in the current Fall 2016 issue of Quilts and More out on the newsstands now.


quilts and more fall 16 cover

Images used with permission from Meredith Corporation and Quilts and More magazine. Copyright 2016


Originally, I was going to do this quilt in the awesome Candelabra line by Verna Mosquera for Free Spirit Fabrics but the fabric didn’t get here in time for the deadline. So I went into the stash. Quilts from the stash are my favorite kind of quilts anyway. (But don’t worry, I did get Candelabra into another quilt later for a different magazine, so stay tuned on that one!)


Presenting October 1889!


churn dash 2

Images used with permission from Meredith Corporation and Quilts and More magazine. Copyright 2016


I just love how the people at Better Homes and Gardens photographed it! They do such a great job!


October 1889 is really just a simple little churn dash quilt with two differently proportioned but same size blocks. Easy, Quick, and Simple. I almost feel guilty for “designing” it.  What I find interesting about this is this — when you are looking at the Churn Dash Blocks – that the center background square is the exact same size in both the A and B blocks. But the actual Churn Dash surrounding the center square makes them look different. Pretty intriguing to me.  I think that is cool!

churn dash 3

Images used with permission from Meredith Corporation and Quilts and More magazine. Copyright 2016




I also think the two color combination works very well.  None of the fabrics is very “Halloween” in nature. Well there is one owl fabric that might be considered somewhat Halloween-ish (which of course I could not find to show you up close in the above picture! I know I have some left and it is a really cool vintage owl print – when I find it I will post about it all on its own – it’s that good!) .  But the colors are great for fall with just a hint of October.


The black and orange color combination also happens to be the colors of the high school in the town next to me.  I think this quilt would be super ideal in any school colors!! My high school was Red and White, and my university colors were Crimson and Grey. Can you see your school colors in this project?


Thanks for stopping by the Blue Nickel. See you soon!


Keep Sewing, Keep Happy,




  • The lady i work for has MS and we are making this quilt…..

    August 6, 2016 at 3:42 am
  • Patty


    Great quilt. It would look good in any color combination.

    August 6, 2016 at 10:53 am

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